APC Youth Movement Denounces Political Tribalism, Restate Support for Ododo

Ibrahim Oyewale in Lokoja

Piqued by the political menace which has been left as legacy for the youths by politicians who harped on ethnic tribalism and bigotry, a group, the Kogi East APC Youths Movement has roundly denounced the ethic divisive tendencies  in the state.

The group also drumed supports for the Governor of Kogi State, Usman Ododo, “for his visionary and quality leadership in the past few months as the governor of the state.”

The spokesman of the Kogi East APC Movement, Mr. Promise  Emmanuel, while addressing journalists in Lokoja yesterday, decried the discerning ethnicity in all its ramifications.

According to him, “Firstly as APC youths with fundamental rights of association and political participation, we would like reiterate our support for the All Progressives Congress (APC) as our party.

“We would also like to reconfirm our unalloyed loyalty to the Governor of the state, Usman Ododo, who rode on the party as a political vehicle to ascend to the position of the constituted authority to lead the state.

“Again, we reject political tribalism in all its insidious forms and declare unequivocally that Kogi State belongs to all the people, irrespective of tribe.

“Make no mistake, we are drawing an immutable line in the sand that tribalism has no place in our state. This malignant scourge seeks to tear the very fabric of our society apart with its corrosive, divisive agenda.

“We denounce its vile forces utterly and call  for their complete and utter excision from the body politic of Kogi East.  We stand firm, and unshakable in our belief that the progress and prosperity of Kogi State by extension, can only be achieved when we extinguish the flames of tribalism and instead embrace our diversity as a source of strength.

“United, we shall move mountains. Divided by tribal affiliations, we are doomed to wallow in the abyss of backwardness and strife. It is with profound conviction that we throw our unwavering support behind the transformative leadership of Governor Ododo. His resolute commitment to inclusive governance and rejection of tribal politics resonates powerfully with our core values.

“We celebrate his bold vision for a Kogi State united under the immutable banner of human fraternity, not fractured by tribal fault lines.”

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