Niger to Construct Road to Baro Port

Laleye Dipo in Minna

In his bid to make the abandoned Baro Port functional, the Niger State Government has completed plans to construct the access road to the port.

This is even as the state government approached the federal government for permission to construct the Gulu-Muye road in the same axis.

The state Governor, Mohammed Umaru Bago, who disclosed this after performing the ground breaking of the construction of township roads in Lapai Local Government Area at the weekend, said the construction of the road to Baro would make the port functional in a very short time.

He said the projects would, when completed, open the state to both local and foreign investors apart from encouraging water transportation through the Baro Port.

Bago reiterated his determination to transform the state through massive road construction, adding that  the government is also seeking the support of the FIRS/NNPC through tax credit scheme for the road projects in addition to the ones recently granted.

Speaking on his agricultural revolution programme, the governor enjoined the people to key into the mechanisation of  agriculture, assuring them that  the government would provide the needed support for their benefit.

He further emphasised that massive injection of funds into road construction is to make the farms easily accessible during cultivation and harvest which is why the people should key into the policy.

Bago disclosed that the state government would renovate the General Hospital in Lapai as well as revive the water works project in the town that the late state Governor, Abdulkadir Abdullahi Kure, started.

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