Jack-Rich Goes Low Profile

There is a time for everything: a time for action and a time to rest from action. The founder and president of Belemaoil Producing Limited, Tein Jack-Rich, has appeared to have decided to rest from all action. After a taxing presidential campaign and the apparent absence of remuneration for all his work, what can the businessman do other than take a break?

The campaigns and subsequent electoral exercise that brought President Bola Tinubu to power in 2023 were influenced by the input of many people, including Jack-Rich. The Belemaoil man was a contender for the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential ticket. However, he retired in the face of superior political prestige.

Despite pulling back from the presidential race, Jack-Rich stood with Tinubu throughout the campaigns. So committed was he that he lent the campaign team one of his offices. True to his calculations, Tinubu won and Jack-Rich allegedly prepared to receive the returns on his investments—to no avail.

Rumours abounded in the early wake of Tinubu’s reward sessions, a nomination here and an appointment there, but Jack-Rich’s name was never included anywhere. Things got so awkward that rumour millers attempted to lend the South-south man a hand by claiming that he had paid N500 million for a ministerial slot. Jack-Rich denied this claim and the issue died; a failed experiment.

Currently, the man has rested from his labours. Although once in a while someone mentions him in conversation, Jack-Rich has disappeared from the political limelight. This is not necessarily bad, especially because several scandalous reports had begun to make the rounds around his matrimonial home.

If he cannot become Nigeria’s president, a minister, or a governor, at least, Jack-Rich can remain a married man. Better to fade from public view for a time than to lose his good name, lovely wife, and thriving business because of politics. At least, this is the estimation of some observers over Jack-Rich’s low visibility.

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