Soludo Lauds INEC for Early Commencement of Voting in Anambra

David-Chyddy Eleke in Awka

Anambra State Governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, has commended the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for early commencement of the voting process in the state.

Soludo gave the commendation shortly after voting at Polling Unit 002 Ovuiyi Umueze, Isuofia, Aguata Council Area at 11:30 am

“From the information available to me, I have sampled views across the state and it seems to be going on fairly well in terms of deployment of logistics and early commencement of election. 

“I think there is a great improvement compared to the previous election in terms of the arrival and deployment of materials. It seems to be going on well, relatively peaceful,” Soludo declared. 

The governor, who expressed optimism that the will of the people will prevail, also said that the turnout of voters is low compared to the previous election and encouraged Anambra residents to step out and exercise their civic obligations by voting.

“Anyone who is in the queue before 2:00 pm, will be allowed to vote and your vote will count. We expect the finishing, collation and announcement of results to end with a flourish,” the governor concluded.

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