CAP Introduces Loyalty Scheme to Honour, Foster Patnerships With Painters

A pioneering force in Nigeria’s paint and coatings industry, CAP Plc, has made waves with the introduction of its latest initiative: The Painter Loyalty Scheme, aimed at recognising and honouring the dedication and fostering partnerships with painters.

This initiative comes at a time when the real estate industry is experiencing a boom. The residential real estate currently valued at $1.93 trillion, is projected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.32 per cent to reach $2.56 trillion in 2028.

The program represents the organisation’s appreciation for the skilled professionals, who infuse life and vibrancy into spaces, without compromise. It seeks to reward painters who maintain such high standards using products purchased at designated Dulux stores

Capability Development Manager, CAP Plc, Charles Michael, reiterating the core values of the firm and its shift to prioritising painters, said: “At CAP Plc, we deeply value the dedication and expertise painters bring to their craft. The Painters Loyalty Scheme is our way of expressing gratitude to the painters who choose us. We’re excited to introduce this program as a token of our appreciation and to further encourage creativity and strengthen our partnerships.”

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