Abbey Mortgage Bank to engage shareholders on strategic goals

Kayode Tokede

Abbey Mortgage Bank is set to engage its valued shareholders on strategic goals and present to them the bank’s result and accounts for the full year ended December 31, 2023. 

The bank stated that it is excited to announce its 32nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for May this year.

This year’s AGM, themed ‘Agile Tenacity,’ will highlight the Bank’s financial achievements in 2023, outline strategic goals, and engage with valued shareholders.

Shareholders and the public are expected to participate online to watch the board and executive management review the bank’s milestones.

Despite facing economic challenges both domestically and internationally, Abbey Mortgage Bank maintained its strong profit trajectory, achieving record revenue for the fourth consecutive year in 2023. The Bank reported a pre-tax profit of N951 million, up from N827 million in 2022.

In addition to presenting financial reports, the AGM will feature in-depth discussions on the Bank’s advancements in technology, customer-focused initiatives, and sustainable banking practices. Abbey Mortgage Bank’s commitment to excellence was recognized with several prestigious awards in 2023, including “Best Mortgage Bank,” “Best Customer-Centric Bank,” and “Best Mortgage Bank Brand.”

Reflecting on the Bank’s 2023 performance, Mr. Mobolaji Adewumi, MD/CEO of Abbey Mortgage Bank, stated, “The bank’s performance in 2023 stands as a testament to resilience and excellence amidst the economic challenges plaguing our nation. We have persisted in our remarkable journey of transformation, propelling our bank to the forefront of Mortgage Banking in Africa. This achievement fills me with immense pride.”

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