After 15 Years, Apapa Mini Water Works Resumes Distribution to Residents

Ayodeji Ake

After 15 years of distrusted operation, the Apapa Mini-Water Works yesterday resumed water distribution to Apapa Local Government Area residents in Lagos.

Addressing journalists at the inauguration of the corporation, the Chairman of Apapa LGA, Hon. Idowu Senbanjo, noted that lack of portable water had been a burden and much work had been done with the support of the Nigeria Port Authority (NPA).

She said: “Not having water was a big issue for us here in Apapa. People sunk borehole and yet unable to get portable water. The cases of typhoid was on the rise and we investigated the cause down to water. It was becoming too expensive to buy water.

“Since June this year, we have been on this project to ensure residents get water. We discovered the pipes are broken and we had to fix them all. It’s been over 15 years since this waterworks dispensed water and we have to ensure that it properly cleaned.

“This is a big project, and we must thank the NPA, which is the main financier that made it possible for our mini waterworks to be functional again.”

Speaking on vandalisation, the Chairman, Apapa Residence Developmental Committee, Rear Admiral Austin Oyagha (rtd), noted that the vandalised pipes have been repaired and some replacements have been done while maximum security has been put in place against theft.

“Before now, the Liverpool Road was reconstructed and a lot of damages occurred to main parts of the pipes on that road. We have repaired all the damages. Some were stolen and couldn’t be recovered but we have replaced them and put some security measurement in place,” he said.

The Southwest Regional Business Manager, Lagos Water Corporation, Oluwabi Ayodele, during the facility tour, appreciated the chairman and all stakeholders.

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