Nwachukwu: Impacting Society Through Networking, Mentorship

Chuka Peter Nwachukwu is the President of the Madonna University Alumni Association. He is the head of Balance Sheet Management at the United Bank for Africa (UBA). He holds a BSc. in Public Administration from Madonna University and a master’s in Finance and Administration from ESUT Business School. Passionate about community-based projects aimed at education, healthcare, and socio-economic empowerment, Nwachukwu has masterfully led the alumni association to become a leading force among private university alumni associations in Nigeria and a well-respected alum association among Nigerian universities.

His vision is to foster a vibrant, connected alumni community dedicated to mutual support, professional growth, and philanthropy. He is committed to upholding the values and legacy of the university while championing initiatives that empower the alumni and contribute to society’s betterment. In this interview with Mary Nnah, he reveals that he envisions a culture of networking, mentorship, and lifelong learning that extends beyond Madonna University, positively impacting society

What key initiatives and changes do you hope to bring about by the end of your tenure as president?

As the president of the Madonna University Alumni Association, my primary goal is to foster a stronger, more engaged, and supportive alumni network that benefits both our graduates and the university itself. I aim to increase alumni engagement by organising a diverse range of events and activities to bring alumni together. These events will not only facilitate networking but also provide opportunities for continuous learning and personal growth. It is important to me that there is a significant increase in the number of regional and affinity-based alumni chapters to strengthen connections among alumni who share geographic locations or common interests to ensure inclusion at all levels. My team will also strive to ensure improved collaboration between alumni and current students through mentorship, internship opportunities, and career panels to bridge the gap between academia and the professional world.

Ensuring that our alumni community is inclusive and welcoming to all, regardless of background, ensuring that every graduate feels valued and connected. By the end of my tenure, I hope to see a thriving alumni community that actively contributes to the success and growth of our university and the country. Together, we will make a positive impact on our alma mater, our fellow alumni, and the broader community.

Reflecting on your time as alumni president, what accomplishments are you most proud of?  

I would like to acknowledge the good work done by my predecessors in ensuring that the alumni have remained a point of pride for all graduates of Madonna University. When I assumed office, the first thing I did in collaboration with my team was to establish a proper structure within all alumni chapters nationwide. We received a lot of pushback at the time but today, I am proud to say that all the chapters are thriving under purposeful leadership and there is healthy competition among the chapters and their members. In the past, we used to reach out to people to join us, but today, people reach out to be part of what we are doing because of the value we have created. We also pioneered a leadership series and one of those series featured renowned leadership coach Niyi Adesanya, who imparted valuable knowledge to alumni members on navigating through life with the right mindset to excel.

The most important thing I must point out in a long list of what we have achieved is improving the relationship between the school and the alumni. Upon assumption of office, relations between the school and alumni executives were somewhat fractured. Today, there is a very cordial relationship, and the benefits have included quicker processing of transcripts and certificates and the school’s listening ear to the concerns of the alumni association.

Building a strong network is often a goal of alumni associations. How have you worked to strengthen connections between alumni, both professionally and personally, to promote collaboration and mutual support?

Strengthening our alumni network has been a top priority. We recognise the immense value of a connected and engaged alumni community. In this regard, there have been conscious efforts to sensitise the chapter chairmen on the importance of creating an enabling environment for members to want to join the alumni and bring value to the table. This ensures that there is a synergy among all chapters regarding collaboration and mutual support at all times. If there is an alumni chapter in any state, members are free to reach out, and they will receive full cooperation and assistance as long as they can identify that they are members of the alumni.

Embracing diversity and inclusivity is important in today’s world. How have you championed these values within the alumni community, and what outcomes have you seen as a result?

My team has placed a strong emphasis on embracing diversity and inclusivity within our alumni community. Our commitment to these values is not only reflective of the university’s principles but also vital in today’s world. We have diversified our alumni events to ensure they cater to a wide range of interests and backgrounds. This includes cultural celebrations, networking sessions, career development workshops, and social gatherings. As a result, we’ve seen increased participation and engagement among alumni from various walks of life. Equally, alumni from diverse backgrounds have been actively encouraged to take on leadership roles within our association. This has led to a more representative and inclusive leadership team, which in turn has resulted in more inclusive decision-making and initiatives. The outcomes of these efforts have been incredibly positive. We’ve witnessed a more engaged and united alumni community that values diversity, respects different perspectives, and actively supports one another. Alumni from various backgrounds now feel more included and valued, leading to a stronger and more vibrant alumni association. We will continue to champion these values to ensure that our association remains open, welcoming, and supportive for all alumni.

Nurturing a sense of loyalty among alumni can be a challenge. How have you encouraged recent graduates to maintain their connection with the institution, and how have you kept long-standing alumni engaged over the years?

We reach out to recent graduates and provide information about the benefits of the alumni and the opportunities available to them. There are also active social media groups that provide a platform for recent graduates to stay updated on news, share their achievements, and connect with fellow alumni. As stated earlier, we have established alumni chapters to keep long-standing alumni engaged locally. These chapters organise their events and activities, allowing alumni to stay connected no matter where they are.

Madonna University Alumni Association encourages the formation of special interest groups, such as those focused on community service, professional development, or cultural exchange. These groups provide opportunities for alumni with shared interests to collaborate and stay engaged.

We actively invite alumni to become involved in the alumni association, whether through volunteering, serving on committees, or participating in alumni-driven initiatives. By combining efforts to engage recent graduates and to keep long-standing alumni involved, we strive to create a dynamic and supportive alumni community that fosters a strong sense of loyalty to our cause. We aim to ensure that our members see the alumni community as not just a place from their past but a vital part of their present and future.

Are there any people or institutions that have impacted you or whose philosophies you employ to grow the alumni?

I am proud to say I was mentored by one of the finest mentors there is, world-renowned philanthropist and chairman of the UBA Group and Heirs Holdings, Tony Elumelu. A lot of philosophies that have helped me grow as a person and in my career have come from learning. In the same way, I try to pass on the wisdom, knowledge and experience I have garnered over the years to help others discover their path. Our alumni motto is ‘Show Forth Light’; it is only right that in my way, I illuminate the path that will create more leaders within the association and beyond it.

What are your aspirations for the alumni community beyond your term as president? How do you envision the association growing and evolving in the coming years, and what legacy do you hope to leave behind?

My aspirations for the alumni community extend far beyond my term. I envision a thriving and interconnected alumni network that continues to make a positive impact on our alma mater and society at large. My goal is to expand our alumni community to include alumni living across the globe, as well as to leave behind a legacy of service and pride among alumni who are part of this vibrant network. I want our alumni to see the association as a valuable resource throughout their lives.

To sum it up, my vision for the Madonna University Alumni Association is grounded in the belief that our alumni possess the potential to create a significant impact globally. Through the cultivation of unity, active participation, and a dedication to service, we will establish an enduring legacy that extends beyond my tenure as president, enriching the lives of future generations of Madonna University graduates.

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