The struggle for Africa’s economic independence is premised on good governance and democracy, writes PAUL LIAM

Global peace and security will form a larger part of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Nigeria’s agenda at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly taking place in New York city, USA. The annual gathering of world leaders will once more x-ray tensions and conflicts the world over.  Top will be the regional and global friction created by the war between Russia and Ukraine as its tests the resilience of world leaders even as they negotiate for an amicable solution that will bring an end to the war, restore peace and improve the economic conditions of nations. The war has impacted negatively on the global socio-economic fabric of the world making life difficult for millions of families around the world, especially developing nations, where even a grain deal had to be brokered to ameliorate food shortages in Africa most especially.

Equally, the resurgence of coups in West and Central Africa raises new security concerns which will compound the already troubled continent whose most parts have been bedeviled by the unholy atrocities of terrorists. It also raises a critical question about the state of democracy in Africa and its implications for the advancement of the fundamental human rights of the citizens of the affected countries.

It is based on the forgoing that Nigeria’s participation at the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly is not only critical for Nigeria but for the continent of Africa. Nigeria remains a leading player on the African continent and by its unique position obligated to provide the needed leadership that will take the continent out of the woods and ensure all African nations are nestled in the arms of democracy. Democracy is one of the pillars of President Tinubu’s diplomacy vision of 4D referred to in some quarters as the Tinubu Doctrine. It is therefore understandable why the Nigerian delegation is leaving no stone unturned in ensuring its participation at the Generally Assembly lights the path for Africa’s journey into a new future peopled by strong and determined Africans poised to change the fortunes of the continent as they renegotiate their economic inclusion within the larger global economy.

Driving this resolve is Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Ambassador Yusuf Maitama Tuggar whose sterling leadership and diplomatic entreaties are already opening the doors of foreign partnerships and investments opportunities for Nigeria and the continent. This is being done chiefly through the 4D Doctrine of Democracy, Development, Diaspora and Demography. It is why Nigeria’s participation at the Assembly is driven by the common aspirations of strengthening awareness on Nigeria’s commitment to upholding the tenet of democracy, good governance, and the rule of law through the entrenchment of the fundamental human rights of citizens and respect for the rule of law. Nigeria is purposed to reestablish its recognition of the United Nations, its member states and relevant bodies and agencies as the legitimate world body in supporting the pillars of peace, security, growth and sustainable development. Ambassador Tuggar will also play a critical role in monitoring and evaluating Nigeria’s bid for the UN Security Council in readiness for possible review.

Nigeria will also explore opportunities for collaboration to drive world peace and security in the context of its own challenges and security situation as Nigeria is keen on nuclear arm disbarment and global security as well as international cooperation to exterminate terrorism in the world. Nigeria as a committed nation desires stability both in terms of economic development and peace and security. Ambassador Tuggar will therefore be playing a critical role in leading and marketing Nigerian to the international community for the support that it can get to strengthen its local initiatives and quest for sustainable development.

Sustainable development will remain a thwarted dream if the coups in Africa continue unabated and Nigeria’s President Bola Ahmed Tinubu more than anyone else knows this as one who was at the forefront of campaign against the military regimes in Nigeria as an advocate of democracy. He is aware of the grave impediments posed by coups in Africa; that is why he the leading other African leaders in not only condemning the coups but working to strengthen the collective resolve of the people to resist the lure of a return to military dictatorship. This position characterized the President’s speech at the UN General Assembly in New York.

It is why President Tinubu in his speech, reiterated his commitment to “establish democratic governance in Niger in a manner that seeks to address the political and economic challenges of that country.” He was also categorical in stating that democracy remains the truest guarantor of the sovereignty of any nation. He called on the international community to strengthen its resolve in arresting the flow of arms and violent people into West Africa. Perhaps, what was most striking about President Tinubu’s speech was his unequivocal response to the conflict in Africa which he said appears to be fueled or orchestrated by partisan interest in Africa. He further stated that billions of dollars meant for Africa’s development have been invested in bringing an end to instability. The struggle for Africa’s economic independence is premised on good governance and democracy and this consciousness was not lost in President Tinubu’s speech. One can only hope that this awareness and the message will invoke the desired leadership response that will recalibrate Nigeria and indeed Africa’s development. 

 Liam is a commentator on global issues

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