Arase Meets US Delegation, Seeks Training Aid for PSC, Police

Kingsley Nwezeh in Abuja

Chairman of the Police Service Commission, Solomon Arase, yesterday, called for the assistance of the United States government in the area of training and capacity building for staff of the Police Service Commission and the Nigeria Police Force.

Arase spoke in Abuja when he received visiting Deputy Assistant  Secretary, United States Department of State, Mr. Tobin J. Bradley.

Bradley was at the Police Service Commission with the African Programme Officer,  Office  of Africa and Middle East Programmes of the US Department of State, Mark T. Hove to discuss areas of assistance and partnership with the commission especially in the area of capacity building.

Arase invited his visitors to also assist the commission to strengthen its recently established compliance monitoring unit, a unit dedicated to monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the police complaints Response Unit.

He noted that the commission’s compliance monitoring unit needed support in various areas including training and provision of equipment, adding that the staff of the commission also needed training  exposures in the United States in the form of exchange programmes.

“We need specialised trainings to sharpen our capacity and further develop the skills of staff”, he said, while making a case for support for training of policemen on investigative skills and effective prosecution of cases.

In his remarks, Bradley, promised  to get his office to key into the requests of the commission, adding that they were interested in working with the commission.

“We need an effective and efficient police service in Nigeria and we are aware  there is need for funding assistance. We have to identify the needs to know the budget and we can progress into training of the manpower,” he explained.

Bradley, according to a statement by Kechukwu Ani, Head, Press and Public Relations of the commission, said the US Department of State was ready to support police colleges in Nigeria such as the Police Academy in order achieve their objectives.

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