Acting Ondo State Governor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, under the Shadow of Akeredolu

Power is often described as capable of corrupting individuals. But the effects it has on aptitude, relationships, and prospects are rarely mentioned. If not, someone might have warned Ondo State Deputy Governor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, that walking in the shoes of his boss, Governor Rotimi Akeredolu, is the same as living in his shadow.

It has been a while now since Akeredolu temporarily retired from his duties on account of poor health. Following the way things are done in Nigeria, his deputy took over from him and has been serving the good people of Ondo in that capacity ever since. However, according to the latest reports, a large shadow seems to be covering Aiyedatiwa’s work, leaving his impact essentially non-existent.

In the beginning, transferring gubernatorial power to Aiyedatiwa was a big issue. Different factions formed and debated the implications of having Aiyedatiwa in Akeredolu’s seat. Some argued that the deputy governor might break faith with Akeredolu and the All Progressives Congress (APC). Others insisted that he would not.

What nobody expected was that Aiyedatiwa would take over and grind things to a halt in the state. Social media is full of complaints regarding the stagnation in Ondo. Folks report that things are no different now than they were immediately after Akeredolu took his untimely leave.

The most cynical critics of the Ondo State government are arguing that Aiyedatiwa is only continuing Akeredolu’s legacy of doing nothing but appointing relatives and cronies to sensitive positions. To such people, Aiyedatiwa’s only fault is that he does not dare to be different from his boss.

Only a relative handful of individuals have an optimistic view of Aiyedatiwa now that he is Ondo’s acting governor. Given enough time, should Akeredolu remain in the custody of his infirmities, this view might overshadow the jeers and contempt currently facing Aiyedatiwa. In the meantime, Aiyedatiwa can only walk in his boss’ shadow.

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