BBTitans Update: Veneer of Loyalty is Broken

Stories by Vanessa Obioha

The veneer of loyalty that most of the BBTitans housemates have maintained since the beginning of the game is gradually disappearing. This became apparent in the past week’s nomination. As the new Heads of House, Nana and Thabang had to show where their loyalty lies with their veto power. For Nana, it was about saving Juvone and replacing them with the Royals. But Thabang is more concerned about saving the Royals. Their back and forth eventually led to Thabang having his way and replacing Juvone with Juiovla who happens to be friends with Olivia. This led to friction between the two after nominations as Olivia could not stand Nana’s betrayal. Khosi, who is also friends with Thabang, was surprised that he could not save her.

But the Heads of House were not the only ones caught in the loyalty game. Following Ebuka’s interrogation of where Yemi Cregx’s heart really is, following the situationship he has with Khosi and Blue Aiva, the young man decided to stick with Khosi, thereby nominating Blua Aiva’s pair for possible eviction. If Miracle Op thought that Ebuka’s revelation would bring him closer to Khosi, the reverse however played out as both have difficulty getting along with each other.

Also throwing their relationship under the bus for the game is Tsatsii who nominated her love interest Kanaga Jr and his partner Blue Aiva for possible eviction. Perhaps it was payback time for Marvin and Yaya as they nominated Kaniva too. It was the same for Blue Aiva and Olivia’s friendship as the former nominated the latter for eviction tonight. One wonders if the wig-sharing between the female housemates was not strong enough.

While the housemates won the week’s wager task, things, however, escalated between Yelisa, Blue Aiva and Olivia. The trio engaged in a heated argument that nearly turned physical, an infringement of the rules of Big Brother. This led to Big Brother issuing a ‘silence’ punishment. The housemates were separated and not allowed to communicate with the opposite sex. This meant that only males can talk to males and females to females. No gestures, codes, or any form of communication was allowed except for a limited time which is allotted by Big Brother.

As of the time of filing this report, Big Brother is yet to mete out punishment to Blue Aiva, Olivia and Yelisa.
Given the tension in the house, tonight’s eviction will be drama filled. At least one of the nominated pairs Juiovla, Yelisa, Khosicle
Blaqleng, Kaniva and Maya will be leaving the show.

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