Election: NUT Asks Teachers to be Nonpartisan

By Laleye Dipo in Minna

The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) Niger state wing has told its members to maintain absolute neutrality during presidential and national assembly elections next week and the governorship and house of assembly polls next month.

 Chairman of the union in the state Comrade Akayago Adamu who gave the advice in Minna on Thursday also tasked all the local government branches of union to offer special prayers for the peaceful conduct of the election and for peace to reign in the country.

Akayago who spoke at the annual “Solemn Assembly” organised by the union at the Teachers House also told the Nigeria Labour Congress NLC to direct all its affiliates to set aside one day to pray for peace in Nigeria and for the general elections to be conducted in a rancour free atmosphere adding that the country needs spiritual guidance for things to go in a hitch free manner.

“We should all pray for God to give us well hearted leaders that will bring development to the country”.

The NUT leader also called on the Niger state government to fulfil its promises to teachers in primary and post primary schools and also address other problems facing teachers that have lingered for ” too long”.

The Solemn assembly featured scriptural readings from the Holy Bible and Qur’an.

The Christian sermon was said by the State Secretary of the Christian Association of Nigeria CAN Pastor Raphael Opawoye while the Muslim version was said by Dr Yahaya Mohammed.

Among the prayer points at the solemn assembly was for God to touch the heart of the government to pay the 4 months outstanding salaries to the primary school teachers recruited in 2019, prayer for government to release outstanding deductions of End well Cooperative societies and Union dues and for safety in schools.

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