Police, Parties’ Supporters Injured as Guber Debate Turn Bloody in Sokoto

Onuminya Innocent in Sokoto

Yesterday’s governorship debate in Sokoto State turned bloody as supporters of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state and that of the All Progressive Congress (APC) engaged in physical combat some people, including a police man, were injured.

The debate was organised by the Voice Of America (VOA) Hausa Service at an auditorium in Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto.

Trouble started after each governorship candidate of five political parties, PDP, APC, NNPP, ADP and that of Labour Party reeled out their manifestoes to the people.

Some supporters of APC, who spoke to our correspondent on condition of anonymity, blamed the moderator for the crisis because he was trying to favour PDP.

They maintained that in an atmosphere where you have different political parties how would you only give opportunity to PDP to asked questions.

He explained that the moderator should be hold responsible for the chaos.

But in a swift reaction, a chieftain of PDP, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the moderator has not done anything wrong blaming the chaos on APC.

He said it is the nature of APC in the state stressing that the party is known for thuggery and violence.

He noted that the APC has mutilated all their billboard and posters across the state.

He explained that despite provocation, the PDP leaders in state have been telling their supporters to remain calm.

He challenged APC to campaign on issues based instead of engaging in violence, saying if they kill in the name of politics who will they govern if they eventually win the election.

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