ABUAD, John Hopkins Partner to Boost Medical Training

Gbenga Sodeinde in Ado Ekiti

The Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti (ABUAD) College of Medicine, is arguably the best training ground with​ world-class medical equipment for quality health care delivery for intending medical doctors in the country.

The university has six colleges (College of Medicine and Health Sciences; College of Law; College of Engineering; College of Social and Management Sciences; College of Sciences; and the College of Postgraduate Studies).

With the recent partnership with the oldest and leading United States-based health institution, John Hopkins Hospital, the medical students of the prestigious​ university will soon have their training improved with vibrant international exposure and touch.

The agreement was brokered by the Little by Little Foundation, which would enable the institution’s final year students in the Medical and Health Sciences to undergo one-year intensive training​ at John Hopkins Hospital in the US.

The move is expected to enable ABUAD to rank favourably as one of the leading private universities in Africa and beyond.

Speaking at the signing of the agreement in Ado-Ekiti, the founder of ABUAD, Aare Afe Babalola, commended the grand patron of the foundation, Chief Adegoke Ajayi, for his efforts in ensuring the success of the agreement with the John​ Hopkins Hospital, the step which he said would further expose the students to the international space.

Babalola explained that ABUAD, in the last 13 years of its existence, has contributed to the development of the nation’s educational and health sectors with quality​ research, teachings and community service.

He advised the prospective students​ -beneficiaries of the agreement to remain committed to their careers and be ready to give back to the university and society.

“Through this foundation and the agreement today, ABUAD medical students will be able to acquire additional medical education from the oldest and most respected hospital in the United States,” said Babalola.

On his part, a representative of Johns Hopkins, Dr Tokunbo Ajayi, commended the ABUAD management for the partnership. He said the sole aim of the agreement​ with John Hopkins Hospital is to put the institution’s students in a vantage position to become total medical​ students in the health sector in Nigeria.

“We want the students to be proud of this noble institution and we believe that through the program we are creating, we will achieve the expected results. The certification we are giving them will open doors for them in the medical space and as well as enable Ekiti people to get the world best medical​ attention​ through ABUAD,” said Ajayi.

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