Water Remains One Natural Remedy for Wellness, Beauty, Preservation, Says Beautician

Kuni Tyessi in Abuja

An Indian citizen and proprietress of Spaholic, Mrs. Vandana Kaushal has reiterated the benefits of water in and out side the body, saying that it is unarguably one natural remedy for wellness, beauty and preservation.

Kaushal who spoke in Abuja during the unveiling of a branch of Spaholic, a beauty parlour that takes care of the physical, social and mental well-being of both men and women, said spa which means health trough water is not only a need but a necessity for healthy living which should be the concern of everyone.

Emphasising that beauty is about women empowerment, said women must take care of themselves first in order to be dit to take care of their spouses and children.

She said with the services available, women especially can gain more confidence with well cultured nails, beautiful exfoliated skin, brushed and proper groomed hair, as well as other body pamperings which is needed to boost both mental and psychological health.

She added that the future is female and even as a foreigner, she lives Nigeria more than her home country and is in the business of employing as many youths as the opportunity presents itself.

“Health benefits are many in spa treatment, particularly when it relates to hygiene. Clients are taught how to take care of themselves and how to bathe professionally. There are many beauty treatments available and many don’t take care of their hair and skin and so we treat that and make them feel good.

“You can take care of your family, but never forget to take care of yourself. If you live yourself, then you can take care of your family better. No one will want to see a woman who is not properly put together around the house. 

“I want women to look beautiful and gorgeous and become more empowered. The future is female and women are going to work it and rule it as well. It cannot be done when you are not confident. 

“What makes you confident is looking good and living yourself. Your beauty is what makes you more confident. So confidence needed to be generated and we take care of everyone.

” So women, look good for yourself, your husband and children. Take care of yourself, skin and hair” she said.

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