Mount Carmel Experience 22 Holds August 20th

 Mary Nnah

Mount Carmel Experience 22, an annual prayer programme of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church Nigeria (IPHCN) is set to bring together servants of God in an assembly where they will hear from God and align with His prophetic directions, while they pray for the Church and the Nation at large.

According to the National Superintendent IPHCN,  Rev. Samuel Akpan, the highlights of the event, which is scheduled to hold on August 20th at the church premises located at Itire, Lagos will feature prophetic declarations, word ministrations, prayers of consecration, repentance,  re-dedication, and song ministrations.

“And of course, we know what happened at Mount Carmel in the days of Elijah when the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the groove, 850 prophets in all gathered against Elijah, the true prophet of God, but they failed woefully, and Elijah triumphed over them (1Kings 18:19-39). So, it doesn’t matter the number of persons against the goodness of God in our lives or how long evil has persisted. We will triumph to the glory of God”, Akpan noted.

He explained that “Let the Line Be Drawn”, which is the theme for the programme, is a call for members to take a stand for God as individuals and as a Church, adding, “As a Nation, it is taking a stand to enthrone righteousness in the place of leadership and every sphere of our national life.”

“Let the line be drawn is particularly saying NO to the powers of darkness that confront our lives, saying enough is enough to forces of darkness against kingdom advancement. It is a decision to live for God and serve the interest of His kingdom”, he added.

Speaking on what impact the forthcoming event will have on the nation, particularly at this point when people are going through a lot of difficulties even as another election draws near, Akpan said, “The word of God is true and God answers prayers. It is our firm belief that as we call on God with a contrite heart for a change of story, He would answer us just as he answered Jabez. No doubt people are passing through difficulties, but amid difficulties, we are assured of victory.”

“In this event, God will release a word that people will run with to their places of testimonies. God’s word brings light, and that light is what we need to navigate through to our testimonies”, the cleric said.   

As for the forthcoming elections, he advised that it was an opportunity to make the right choice while he encouraged everyone to get his/her PVC and vote wisely, noting, “When the righteous is in authority, the people rejoice. Nigeria is in God’s agenda and his agenda will not be aborted nor truncated.”

He called on his members and every Nigerian to know that tears can only endure for a night, but joy comes with the morning.

“Our joy has come! God is turning our trials into testimonies, obstacles to miracles, and failures into fortunes. We must make up our minds to serve God and the interest of His Kingdom. When we serve God, He will bless our bread and bless our water, He will take sicknesses away from us.  He will also prosper the works of our hands”, he said.

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