Troops Overrun Sambisa Forest

Kingsley Nwezeh in Abuja

In what appears to be signs of the end, troops yesterday overran terrorist enclaves in Sambisa Forest and captured a major stronghold, Ukuna/Camp Zairo.

Sambisa Forest has been a major enclave of Boko Haram and the Islamic State for West African Province (ISWAP) in its 12-year insurgency campaign against the state.

So far, 47, 905 insurgents have surrendered to troops since September 2021.

A statement issued by Defence Headquarters (DHQ) said troops of Operation Hadin Kai routed the terrorists and captured their enclave.

The statement signed by the Director, Directorate of Defence Media Operations (DDMO), Maj. Gen. Bernard Onyeuko, stated that following the military’s onslaught, the terrorists fled and left behind their war arsenal.

“On or about 0900hrs on 24 March 2022, the gallant troops of Operation Hadin Kai in a special operation codenamed OP Desert Sanity captured the terrorist stronghold of Ukuba/Camp Zairo  in Sambisa Forest. 

“In what could be described as a blitzkrieg, the troops routed the terrorists and captured their enclave.

“The terrorists fled the camp leaving behind their heavy weapons and arsenal,” it said.

The war update said troops captured a cache of weapons.

“After a thorough cordon and search of the captured camp, the gallant troops recovered various equipment including 1x Main Battle Tank, 1x 155mm Bofors Gun, 1xTrailer,1x122mm Gun, 2x105mm Gun, 1x Mines Resistance Ambush Protected (MRAP) fighting vehicle, 1x MOWAG Armoured Personnel Carrier, 1x Mack Trailer as well as large cache of arms and ammunition left behind by the terrorists”, it said, while noting that further exploitation of the area was in progress.

“The capture of the terrorists stronghold of Camp Zairo is a major setback to the terrorists,” it said.

Military authorities commended troops for the feat.

“The military high command commends the ever conquering troops of Op Hadin Kai for this immense success. 

“They are enjoined not to rest on their oars but use this as a springboard to finally defeat the insurgents and also keep up the fighting spirit,” it said. 

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