RIMAN Seeks Enhanced Capacity for Risk Management

Magnus Nnoka

Magnus Nnoka

Nume Ekeghe

The President, Risk Management Association of Nigeria (RIMAN) Mr. Magnus Nnoka, has advised risk managers to continue enhance their capacity in order to be abreast with the changing risk landscape.

Nnoka, urged old and newly inducted members of its association at the induction ceremony held in Lagos over the weekend.

He said: “We must begin to envision the changing risk landscape that lie ahead of us as well as how we can come to terms with the many ways of managing the inevitable consequences on the society.

“Today we are in a new age of catastrophe and increasing uncertainty, faced with major challenges in dealing with natural and technological hazards in an increasingly interdependent and inter connected world.”

“In all these, I can only see one thing, which is the future of risk management will continue to have no boundaries and rapidly dynamic,” he said.

Speaking further, he said: “There will be no doubt that skill set, and capacity required to effectively manage emerging risks will continue to change. The risk management approaches of yesterday and today will not suffice for the risk of tomorrow.

“It is therefore expected that you will all take advantage of the various training and capacity building programs including the professional Certified Risk Manager of the Association to remain abreast of skill requirements in your profession.

“As I welcome you today on behalf of the Board of Trustees, Executive council and entire members of RIMAN, second of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa, take a moment and reflect on what kinds of risks we would all be facing at the end of this decade.”

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