Abba Kyari: Never Knew it Would Come to this Tragic End



I woke up last Friday to receive the sad news that Mallam Abba Kyari, the Chief of Staff to President Muhammad Buhari, is dead due to COVID-19 complications.

I knew that from the last statement he made and released to the media that he was attacked by Coronavirus and is advised to seek appropriate medical attention. I never imagined or thought it would come to this tragic end. I just kept praying and hoping that he would get well very soon.

I have known Abba Kyari as a stable and reliable man for many years. He was an exemplary student at Warwick and Cambridge Universities in the United Kingdom and the Law School in Lagos. Abba Kyari was a highly intelligent, focused and honest student who studied Law and Sociology. I have also followed his impressive working career in law, media and the banking sectors.

From the time of his appointment as Chief of Staff to President Buhari in 2015, I have watched him and I can say that his loyalty to his principal and the government was unflinching and commendable without doubt.

I pray that God rewards his efforts and the sacrifices he made while serving the President, the government and our country.
I pray that God gives the President the fortitude to bear the loss of a friend, a comrade and a loyal public servant who was very dedicated to him and his government.

I also pray that God will shower His Mercies on Abba and forgive him. May the Almighty Allah give his family the fortitude to bear this great loss. Amin.

•General Babangida, a former military president, writes from Minna, Niger State

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