Women Hold Peace Rally in Support of Buhari’s War against Terrorism

By Oladipupo Awojobi

Hundreds of Women on Monday besieged the Presidential Villa, Abuja to appreciate efforts of President Muhammadu Buhari towards ending Insurgency in the Northeast.

The women under the aegis of the Coalition of Nigerian Women for Peace carried various placards with inscriptions such as “Boko Haram is gone forever’ “we thank PMB” “Abuja without bomb and Boko Haram”, among others, were full of praises to the present administration for bringing peace to the Northeast.

Led by their Convener, Jaiyeola Mohammed, the women said despite threats by some persons four years ago, the will of God and the votes of Nigerians made President Buhari win the election and he became President at a time that Nigerians could barely step out of their homes for the fear of becoming victims of Boko Haram terror attacks.

Mohammed said, “We recall clearly those dark days when no one feels safe even inside Abuja, the nation’s capital. The roads leading to major institutions were sealed off to effectively convert most of the major roads into cul-de-sacs and two way roads where there were originally dual carriages.

“The situation was so bad that those the citizens should look up to for protection cordoned themselves in with concrete barriers as they fear for their own lives from Boko Haram.

“The reach of terror was speeding south and has spread as far down as Okene in Kogi state where the group had established cells.

“There was even an attack on troops’ convoy going through the state. Kaduna, Kano, Adamawa, Yobe, Gombe, Nasarawa, Plateau, Niger and other neighbouring states were practically in the grip of terror as the extremists had brought themselves to a point where they could strike in any of these places.

“But all that was before President Muhammadu Buhari came into office and gave the nation’s military chiefs that merit every single pip on their regalia,” she said.

Mohammed said it was on record that those that vowed to make the country ungovernable did not relent in trying to use Boko Haram to actualise that threat.

She said they gave material, intellectual, political and tactical support to the terrorists all in their bid to keep the killers in place and torment law abiding citizens.

She said, “Thankfully, the military has been up to the task. The Nigerian Army has repeatedly trounced and punished the Boko Haram terrorists, giving them no hiding place, chasing them from the aforementioned states into Sambisa Forest from where they have been chased into the desert; whatever remains of the group is being hunted down and degraded so that they will not be able to terrorise the citizens anymore.

“The Air Force has seen to it from the skies that the terrorists have no hiding place. The Navy is perishing their thoughts of turning Lake Chad into a haven. The intelligence network is keeping itself several steps ahead of them. The ones with hope are Nigerians who will again live without the fear of Boko Haram terrorists.”

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