Reversing the Instalmental Death of Haiti

Chido Nwangwu writes about the crisis rocking Haiti, the Carribean Heritage country and the possibility of the troubled nation having a new lease of life.

For Haiti, a predominantly African-Igbo-Caribbean heritage country, the months of February and March 2024, were wrecked by gangsters, criminals, political goons and self-hating squads of evil doers!

It’s been an unrelenting, agonizing and brutal struggle for Haitians to sustain 12 hours of one day as a period of normalcy!

For Haitians, through its recent history, there are no years of calm without the bloodshed and freelance killings by the purposeless gladiators for power.

Currently, what Haiti’s alliances of gangs are doing to Haiti and Haitians are terrible crimes! They do not allow for the distribution of foods, humanitarian supplies and medical aid. They make such needed activities unsafe. The gangs are taking instalmental control over many areas and airports.

Amid those escalating violence, U.S Republicans in the Congress continue to block the U.S State Department request for $40 million to deploy a Multinational Security Support mission to Haiti — led by Kenya’s contingent of 1,000 police officers.

It’s difficult to justify or understand Republican opposition to assist its traumatized hemispheric neighbor, Haiti.

Again, I ask: are Haitians the children of a lesser God? No!

Meanwhile,  White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (who has Hatian roots/heritage) has reiterated President Joe Biden’s position: “Our support is intended to help Haitians restore security, order and the rule of law and protect civilians, while at the same time remaining committed to supporting Haitian-led effort for a peaceful transition of power.”

Sadly, the once historic Haiti remains, these days and years, a very dangerous and difficult case!

It’s unfortunate but true that except for a few decades of nationalist progress, most of Haiti’s history and political contests have been chronicles of cataclysmic events!

Literally, bloodstains are the most common marks of almost every flag and banner in Haiti’s history.

To make matters worse, the geographical location of Haiti on the venomous pathways of nature’s seismic violence, decades of exploitations and post-colonial mauling of the country, the brutal domination of its leaderships, mainly, by self-serving politicians and gangs have, nakedly, shown all the familiar manifestations of the failed State!

Yet, I am hopeful that despite the grim realities surrounding Haiti, today, in the Easter weekend of March 2024, a renewal of Haiti is possible!

-DrNwangwu is Founder of the first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper on the internet,, and established USAfrica in 1992 in Houston.

Follow him on X (Twitter) @Chido247

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