Rep Pays WAEC Fee of 10,000 Indigent Edo Students

*Women, youth devt my priority, says Edo LP hopeful

Adibe Emenyonu in Benin City

The member, representing Etsako Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Mr. Anamero Dekeri, has announced free registration of 10,000 Indigent students for next year’s Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (SSCE).

Dekeri who stated this in Benin City, capital of Edo State, said the beneficiaries cut across the three senatorial district of the state on equal basis, adding that the gesture was to remove the financial constraints which often times had hindered and truncated the dreams of many deserving students from pursuing and attaining quality education to an acceptable level.

Dekeri said: “It is imperative to bring to your notice the final modalities that have been put in place for the equitable sharing of the 10,000 WAEC forms that I have earlier proposed to pay for indigent students in Edo State who are billed  to sit for the examinations next year.

“This initiative is aimed at ensuring equitable access to education for the children of Edo State.

“This is a reiteration of my commitment to providing opportunities for every child to thrive and actualise their individual careers as education remains the pivot for the development and prosperity of any society and nation.”

Dekeri who is also a governorship aspirant under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) come next year, noted that the gesture was a devise to bridge the gap and alleviate the burden placed on economically disadvantaged families.

According to him, “Education should be a fundamental right accessible to every child, regardless of their socio-economic background. Therefore, it is my firm belief that the initiative will empower the indigent students of the state, enable them to compete on a level playing field and unlock their full potentials.”

He called on all stakeholders, including government agencies, educational institutions, civil society organisations, philanthropic and individuals to join hands with him to making this vision a reality by pulling resources together to leverage on “our collective strengths to make a lasting impact, breaking shackles of poverty and transforming lives through education.”

“This distribution of free enrollment for Senior School Certificate Examinations students in public schools will not only alleviate the financial burden facing families but will also foster a strong and educated workforce, drive economic growth and ensure brighter future for people of the state”, Dekeri declared.

In another development, a gubernatorial aspirant for the  Edo State 2024 governorship election, Mr. Kingsley Ulinfun, has said that given the opportunity to serve as governor of the state, he would make youth and women empowerment his major. 

Ulinfun affirmed his interest at a declaration of interest ceremony in Benin City, tagged: “Equity 2024”

The former banker and administrator, who addressed party supporters and journalists while unveiling his blueprint which details how he intends to govern the state if giving the opportunity, said he will empower over 2,500 youths with N5 million grants each to bring to reality their entrepreneurial drive as to make them creators of at least 50,000 jobs. 

He also said 60 per cent of such beneficiaries would be women to fasten the development drive of the state.

This empowerment process, he posited, would be replicated every year, for the next four years if voted into office to help trickle development to the grassroots..

The LP governorship hopeful while voicing on being the best man for the job, further talked about his plans for education, infrastructure development like road repairs, his focus on primary health care development as well as health insurance for all Edo citizens to cut down maternal and neonatal mortalities and even preventable deaths from malaria sickness due to the present paucity of funds in society.

Mr Ulinfun who lampooned democratically elected governments for the failure to enact people centric policies since 1999, however, promised to be transparent at governance if elected and work for the good and total welfare of Edo State citizens despite the lack of belief by sceptics who insist that it is financially risky to have bankers pilot the seat of democratic governance.

On infrastructure, he said his administration would focus on road construction and rehabilitation, bearing in mind that it is the only means to fast track movement of agricultural produce from the farms to the markets, adding that he would not also forgot the importance of electricity to industrialisation.

Ulinfun therefore appealed to members of the LP to nominate him bearing in mind that the strength of the party lie on its outstanding integrity of not repeating those things that make voters disenchanted with other political parties, adding that his government will cut cost of governance.

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