NIESV Charges Associates to Promote Positive Changes in Organisations, Economy

Fadekemi Ajakaiye

The newly inducted Associates of the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) have been advised to see themselves as change agents that will promote positive changes in their professional organisations and in the Nigerian economy.

“You must see your new calling as admission into the global network of professionals who have committed themselves to be change agents in their practices and in private lives, and who have resolved to promote positive changes in their professional organisations and the Nigerian economy at large,” said the President/Chairman of The Council, ESV Johnbull Osarumen Amayaevbo, during their induction in Lagos, recently.

He said, “The induction of new Professional Members to our great Institution always gives us great joy as we recognize that the quality of membership of any professional body naturally defines its influence and relevance in the society. I am therefore very pleased to congratulate the impressive array of up and coming Estate Surveyors and Valuers before me on your admission into the Associate status. 

“I rejoice with you for attaining this important milestone in your pursuit of professional development. I congratulate you for the bold steps you have taken to become Professional Members of this noble Institution where you will be exposed more to the profession and what it offers with a view to preparing you for professional practice. 

“Your induction as Associate members of the Institution is a product of determination, resolve and hard work in the last two or more years. I congratulate you for passing the required qualifying Professional Examinations, for successfully completing two years internship, Test of Professional Competence and for meeting every other requirement for admission into the Professional Membership of the Institution. 

“I would like to point out to you that your admission into the Professional Membership today is a call to service. You must make yourself available for service by supporting the objects of the Institution and the leadership where and when it is required. “I do not want to take anything for granted regarding your knowledge of the profession. I therefore enjoin you to go through what the profession is all about and its expectations from you. 

“One of the hallmarks of professionalism, especially in the Estate Surveying and Valuation profession, is training and retraining, especially in today’s rapidly changing world. It is required of you to acquaint yourselves with current developments in the industry if you are to remain competent and relevant. You must keep upgrading and expanding your professional prowess through training and retraining. The Council has for this purpose put in place a platform for Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Programmes (MCPD) held at the National level and in all the Branches at different times. It will enhance your competence and professionalism if you key into these training programmes, Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences.

The Guest Speaker and Fellow of the Institution, ESV Adenrele Fatima Olowokure, who discussed ‘Navigating Modern Real Estate Professional Practice: Expectations, Challenges and Opportunities’ stated that to navigate is the process of making decisions and taking actions to achieve a particular goal or reach a specific destination. 

Olowokure said, “As estate surveyors and valuers practicing in our various places of work, we all know that we have to carry out our professional duties with care, having regards for the ethics of our profession, duty of care and with respect for authority and all laws governing our practice.

Navigating our way while carrying out our professional practice, means that we must, among other things: be clear about our destination and goal; identify the obstacles/challenges we may face; develop a plan to overcome the obstacles/challenges; be flexible and adaptable as we carry out our duties; be ready to ask for and accept assistance from our colleagues as we meander through our professional duties.

“Our profession is one that is broad and unfolding and this means that as we carry out our duties we sometimes come across issues that are novel in nature and at such times we must be ready to stop, reflect, ask for help and if necessary, take another option, make another plan and go on to execute such new decisions.

“As Estate Surveyors and Valuers we have our expectations from the society; some of these are the desire to be recognized by the government as one of the main advisers on Real Estate Tax.

“Real Estate Tax can improve the revenue base of all local government areas, states and the nation as a whole. It can also redirect investment to desired places. Properties are left vacant for years because the owners want a particular level of rent which the economy cannot generate; owners of such properties should be taxed heavily thereby opening up more availability of properties to let.

“Estate Surveyors should value properties before or after their disposal for the proper computation of Capital Gains Tax and all other forms of Tax. Tax advisory services should be a great avenue for improvement in the income base of the economy and Estate Surveyors and Valuers.”

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