Again, Billionaire Gas Mogul, Julius Rone, Shines Like Diamond

Think of a billionaire businessman blessed with money, brains, confidence, and oratory power, and the name of Julius Rone, OFR, Group Managing Director, of UTM Offshore Limited (UTMOL) will pop up.

It is an incontestable fact that the serial entrepreneur is one of the few Nigerian business moguls who rub shoulders with other high-networth individuals around the world. For many years, he has been busy cutting deals beyond the shores of the continent of Africa while also proving that good things can also come out from this side of the world.  The Delta-born top player in the gas sector, as gathered, exhibited that he is not only wealthy but also brainy. This he has not failed to flaunt whenever the occasions arise, and the occasions seem to arise so many times lately and Rone has never been found wanting.

In fact, a source revealed that this is the reason he is being invited to seminars, forums and business meetings around the world where he has dazzled many with his talent like the great Roman orator, Cicero.

Once again he shone brilliantly like a diamond recently at the LNG shipping and terminals Conference in London. The man, full of ingenuity, mesmerised his audience while he spoke about The Role of Policy Instruments and Government Support for the FLNG Project such as Investment Incentives, Regulatory Framework, where government policies can provide financial incentives such as tax breaks, grants, or subsidies to attract private investment in FLNG projects. These incentives, he explained, can help reduce the overall project cost and encourage private sector participation.

The very brilliant businessman also talked about how governments play a crucial role in creating a favourable regulatory environment for FLNG projects, which includes establishing clear guidelines for environmental protection, safety standards, and permitting processes. A well-defined regulatory framework provides certainty for project developers and investors.

Not only that, he also touched on other topics, such as market drivers for exploiting gas in Nigeria.

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