EU Launches 2023 Election Observation

Michael Olugbode in Abuja

The Chief Observer European Union (EU) Election Observation Mission for the 2023 general election, Mr. Barry Andrews, has appeal to stakeholders to ensure that the upcoming elections are peaceful, free and fair.

He also disclosed that 40 long term observers would be deployed by the mission to observe the upcoming elections in all the states of the country.

Andrews, who is a member of the European Parliament, while making the appeal in Abuja at the official launch of the observation mission on Monday, explained that all observers are guided by a code of conduct which requires strict impartiality and non-interference in the election.

He said: “This is the seventh EU Election Observation Mission to Nigeria since 1999. The EU attaches great significance to these elections.”

The EU EOM chief observer urged authorities, candidates and political parties in Nigeria to ensure that the upcoming general election is peaceful and further election-related violence is prevented. Every voter has the right to cast their ballot in a safe environment free from intimidation and undue influence.

“We encourage the authorities, candidates and political parties to commit to peaceful conduct prior to, during and after election day. Cooperation between all institutions and parties participating in the elections is crucial. The presence of a level playing field, freedom of expression, assembly and association, respect for human rights and a neutral and independent election management body at all levels are all essential for democratic elections,” he said.

Andrews said the mission would  also study the new electoral law and interact with the stakeholders on the challenges ahead.

He said the 2022 electoral act, which introduced new measures aimed at enhancing various aspect of the conduct, would be closely followed to monitor its implementation.

The chief observer explained that the mission had met with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and had so far seen that Nigeria is prepared for the 2023 election.

He said they have also met with media representatives and took their concern and challenges seriously.

During his four-day visit to Nigeria, the chief observer has met with a wide range of interlocutors including state authorities, INEC, political contestants, members of the judiciary, media stakeholders, citizen observers, as well as other civil society representatives to discuss the ongoing electoral process.

He noted that the Electoral Act 2022 has introduced new measures aimed at enhancing various aspects of the conduct of elections.

As part of its overall analysis, the EU EOM will closely follow its implementation. For the first time in Nigeria, the mission has a dedicated Election Technology Analyst who is assessing the use of technologies, especially the verification of voters and the transmission of results. A Media Analyst and a Social Media Analyst are also undertaking an assessment of the role of the traditional media, as well as social media and digital communication during the process.

The EU EOM started its work nearly three weeks ago with the arrival of a core team of 11 experts with competencies in various aspects of elections. Since 29 January, 40 long-term observers in teams of two follow the electoral process in all the states of Nigeria.

Seven members of the European Parliament, together with some 40 locally recruited observers from 25 EU Member States, Switzerland, Norway and Canada’s representatives in Nigeria will join the mission shortly before election day.

In total, around 100 observers will observe the voting, counting and tabulation procedures on 25 February and 11 March.

The EU EOM will issue a preliminary statement two days after each election day and will remain in Nigeria until the completion of the entire electoral process including complaints and appeal processes, and any possible second round of the presidential election.

The EU EOM has been deployed by the EU following an invitation from the INEC. All mission members are bound by a code of conduct, which requires strict impartiality and non-interference in the elections.

The EU EOM is undertaking its work in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation, commemorated at the United Nations.

The EU EOM operates under a separate and distinct mandate from the EU Delegation in Nigeria, and it is independent in its findings from EU Member States and all EU institutions.

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