Aisha Buhari’s Gender Equality Stand

Gender equality in politics is one issue that many political leaders in Nigeria have attempted to fix, to varying levels of success. The current administration is also doing its best while adopting an operational model that requires special individuals to spearhead its endeavours. This is where the First Lady of Nigeria, Hajia Aisha Buhari, is doing a good job.

Some days ago, leaders from the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Adamawa State paid a courtesy visit to the First Lady. One of the main points of the visit was to employ Mrs. Buhari’s help in securing a strong position for women in Adamawa and the rest of the North. Without a doubt, the First Lady was delighted with their visit, especially after knowing a bit about anticipation for women’s participation in political leadership.

Tagging her response on social media “My stand on Adamawa politics,” Buhari shared her concern for the sad absence of female-oriented leadership in politics in northern Nigeria. Noting that their counterparts in the South-west had started to share political power with women, happy to let the latter bear the mantle of guidance and governance, Buhari was resolute in her call to northern leaders to give women a chance to lead.

Nothing is surprising about the First Lady’s impassioned speech. Even before becoming First Lady, Buhari already began making moves to make life better for women and female children in the northern regions of Nigeria. And she has found some success in this endeavor, including the emergence of her Future Assured initiative which has been celebrated many times for its focus and actions.

So, the First Lady’s position on gender equality in the home and politics have not changed. In fact, it seems as if her conviction has only grown more progressively solid.

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