Kukah: I’m Against Insecurity, Economic Woes, Not Buhari

Rev. Matthew Hassan Kukah

Rev. Matthew Hassan Kukah

By Onuminya  Innocent In Sokoto

The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Rev Father Matthew Hassan Kukah, has said he is not against the government of President Muhammadu Buhari but speaks against the way the president is handling the deplorable security situation and economic woes in the country.

He said this while fielding questions from newsmen at St Barkitha Catholic Secretariat Sokoto.

“Ours has become a house of horror with fear stalking our homes, highways, cities, hamlets and communities as bandits and insurgents maim lives at will,” he lamented.

The cleric also accused the president of lopsided appointments stressing that such has caused divisions and agitations in the country.

He maintained that he was not bothered about which region or religion produces the president, saying he is only interested in good governance .

He noted that he had a cordial relationship with President Buhari, maintained that it was sycophants that were trying to sow seed of discord between him and the administration.

“If I pick my phone and call Mr.  President now he will pick. The other time he missed my calls he called me back and we greeted. But you know some people cry more than the bereaved”, he stated.

Noting that he will be clocking 70 years next year, he said if he could not be cowed when he was young, would he now be afraid of speaking the truth.

“In a developed country, when you speak the truth you will be celebrated. Look at how people are celebrating late Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu, but here people tag you as an enemy of government”.

He agreed with the President for refusing to assent to the Electoral Act Amendment Bill. He said Buhari was right, noting that the issue of direct and indirect primaries should be left for political parties to decide.

“For instance, if Manchester United are playing against Arsenal it is less for them to choose who makes up their team. What they are interested in is winning, you can’t tell them the mode of selection”, he said.

He advised the National Assembly to espounge that section of direct or indirect primaries for the president give assent to the bill.

When asked how he intends to lift 50,000 Nigerians out of poverty, the cleric explained that he had mapped out empowerment program that will soon commence.

“I intended to buy tricycles to give to the transporters who cannot afford it, when l give you I will tell you to pay back the money so that we will give another person. It would be in a circular form.

He said aside the empowerment program, there was also scholarship scheme ongoing by him.

He added that as a reverend father, he only has sisters and brothers as immediate family, stressing that he is being fed, sheltered and clothed by the church. He added that any money he got from friends and individuals were meant for charity and empowerment.

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