NPA Partners Navy on Maritime Security

Managing Director, Nigerian Port Authority (NPA), Hadiza Bala-Usman

Managing Director, Nigerian Port Authority (NPA), Hadiza Bala-Usman

Eromosele Abiodun

The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) and the Nigerian Navy (NN) have resolved to work in unison towards ensuring the security and safety of the nation’s territorial waters and maritime domain.

Receiving a team of Naval officers led by the flag officers commanding Western Naval Command, Rear Admiral Oladele Bamidele Daji, who paid a visit to the management of the NPA in Lagos, the Managing Director of NPA Hadiza Bala-Usman said the agency was desirous of sustaining the existing collaboration between the agency and the Nigerian Navy

On the importance of Hydrographic chart in the operational activities in the sector, Bala Usman enjoined the NPA hydrographers to synergise efforts with the Nigerian Naval Perspective in order that the realities of purpose be prioritised.

The NPA boss reiterated the preparedness of the agency to contribute to the issue of the effective functionality of the Naval Defense Jetty and urged the Nigerian Navy to take advantage of the NPAs’ simulation center in the training of their staff especially the Naval Pilots.

Similarly, she said plans were in top gear towards ensuring that the Navy’s “falcon eye” and the NPA’s Command and Control were compatible on matters to do with operational efficiency, safety and security, channels, revenue generation and other relative areas of concern.

The flag officer Western Naval Command Rear Admiral Oladele Bamidele Daji leader of the Naval Delegation heralded the numerous contributions of the Bala-Usman led NPA since mounting the saddle, especially concerning the innovations occasioned by the sustenance with the Ease of Doing Business.

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