Buhari Expresses Delight over Bumper Harvests by Nigerian Farmers

Onuminya Innocent in Sokoto

The presidential campaign train of the All Progressives Congress (APC) visited Sokoto State yesterday where President Muhammadu Buhari expressed delight over bumper harvests by farmers in different parts of the country in the last two years and urged the people to embark on agricultural activities.

The president has also reassured that his administration will continue to identify and bring to book all those found wanting in misappropriation of public funds, and vowed never to betray the trust reposed in him by Nigerians.

Before the campaign team departed for Birnin Kebbi, the Kebbi State capital, for another rally, president, who alongside APC bigwigs addressed the crowd of party faithful, enjoined all APC members and supporters to ensure victory for the party in the forthcoming general elections.

President Buhari and his entourage first paid a courtesy visit to the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar III, before moving to the Ginginya Stadium in Sokoto for the rally where he addressed a mammoth crowd.

Buhari, who spoke in Hausa language, said the governing APC government has done tremendously well in the key areas of security, revamping the economy and the fight against corruption.

While reassuring that his administration will continue to identify and bring to book all those found wanting in misappropriation of public funds, the president vowed never to betray the trust reposed in him by Nigerians.

President Buhari expressed delight over the bumper harvests experienced by farmers in different parts of the country in the last two years and urged the people to embark on agricultural activities.

“We thank God that our country witnessed stable rainfalls and subsequent bumper harvest in 2017 and 2018 cropping seasons.

“Let me call on all our people to engage in agricultural activities to enable them obtain additional income to solve some of their domestic challenges like paying children’s school fees, offsetting medical bills and other needs.’’

He added that in the last three and half years his government has degraded Boko Haram, and promised to provide fertilizers for Farmers at subsidised rate to enable the country of food sufficiency.

The president, who presented the Sokoto APC governorship candidate to the people of the state, urged APC members to vote only the party’s candidates in the forthcoming elections.

On his part, the Co-Chairman of Buhari campaign organisation, Ahmed Bola Tinubu said Buhari had laid a good foundation for the country, adding that there is need for consolidation.

He further explained that farmers in the country never had it so good, adding that the present government is making farming vocational and attractive to teeming youth.

Tinubu said the people of Sokoto State should vote APC candidates in the state and Buhari because of his character, honesty and integrity.

In his speech, the National Chairman of APC, Adams Oshiomhole said PDP is jittery because this is the first time they are going for election without rigging mercenaries.

The Director General, Buhari Campaign organisation, Hon. Rotimi Amaechi said federal government would construct railway line from Jibia to Gusau to Sokoto and Kebbi.

Highlight of the event is the presentation of the party flag to the APC gubernatorial candidate in the state, Ahmed Aliyu Sokoto.

There were unconfirmed reports of a stampede at the gate of Ginginya memorial stadium Sokoto the venue of the rally, which led to the death of eight-year old boy .

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