Elumelu Putting Africa at the Centre of Global Climate Financing

Where passion resides, fortune soon follows. This has been proven time and again, but the flavour is more pronounced with corporate giant Tony Elumelu at the thick of things. Based on his recent doings, Africa might soon arrive at an era where the global concern for climate change is prioritized.

Many times in the past, climate change advocates have considered Africa unworthy of their attention. Whether it is on account of supposed poverty or the backwardness often attributed by the ignorant, it was supposed that the continent has nothing to offer with respect to environmental sustainability. But the narrative is changing, thanks to the work of Elumelu and countless others. In a way, where financial resources are scanty, Africa has peerless visionaries to offer.

Elumelu has taken up the charge of financing climate change efforts in Africa. Joining a group of individuals with similar intentions at the Climate Finance Mobilisation, Elumelu illustrated what it is about him that sets him apart from others.

The Forum, which was held in London, had several prominent individuals in attendance, all of whom were cordially invited by King Charles III of the United Kingdom and USA President Biden. The main concern of the Forum was how to attract capital for combating climate change and the future of the earth.

Being a leading corporate figure and a passionate advocate for all things sustainable, Elumelu demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the matters at hand. His involvement in the Forum definitely informed others like him across Africa that the time has come for the continent to prove its worth.

Elumelu’s focus was mainly on renewable energy and how to address Africa’s current energy deficit. Thus, even before kings and presidents, he retained his calm and put the needs of the continent above personal interests.

What better indication is there that Elumelu’s heart beats for the continent than his efforts to have Africa engage in global climate financing?

 Zach Adedeji: The Revenue Collector

Not minding the reservations that many Nigerians and outsiders have towards the current administration, there is a need for all and sundry to admit that the plane has taken off and things are underway. This is a necessary point of note, especially since the appointment of high-value individuals like Zach Adedeji gives some insight into the plans and intended purposes of President Bola Tinubu.

Adedeji is one of the handful of individuals that President Tinubu recently appointed to make his Renewed Hope mandate a reality. Convinced of their abilities and devotion to Nigeria’s welfare, Adedeji is one of those that many Nigerians are trusting to help reduce some of the burdens of penury as a result of faulty economic policies. In this regard, Adedeji, a man of the tax books, is a complementary force.

For those interested in having a peek at his qualifications, for which Tinubu anointed him, Adedeji can only be described as having walked an astonishing path. At 33, as of 2011, he was appointed the Commissioner for Finance in Oyo State. It is important to note that he remains the youngest Commissioner for Finance in Oyo’s history.

But there is much more to Adedeji than the accomplishments of yesteryear. With almost 20 years of professional and active experience in corporate accounting, public service administration, and public service advisory, Adedeji is one of the top assets from Oyo. He has held multiple leading positions as a result of his abilities and was the fifth substantive Executive Secretary of the National Sugar Development Council under former President Muhammadu Buhari.

A First-Class graduate of Management and Accounting from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Adedeji is an overachiever. His subsequent acquisitions of knowledge and expertise corroborate this.

With Adedeji at the beck and call of President Tinubu, the Nigerian economy is poised for improvement. It is only a matter of time before Adedeji, and others like him ensure the delivery of the Renewed Hope as promised by the president.

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