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Nigerians Urged to Worship Only ‘Soul Maker’

Adherents of the Soul Makers Ministry worldwide, are in excited mood they gear up to celebrate this year’s edition of the Hearts Day.
Soul Maker is a Ministry that emphasises man’s direct relationship with his creator.
According to the ministry, Heart’s Days celebration which is determined by the lunar calendar, the sighting of the moon, will be celebrated between Sunday June 16 and Wednesday, June 19.
In a statement signed by Spiritual Leader, Soul Makers Ministry , Chief Owolabi Salis, the ministry enjoined individuals to earmark that festival for special prayers to their creator.
Salis said as a Nigerian of South-west extraction, the Heart’s Day is referred to as “Odun Okan” or “Odun Ibori”, “Odun Ori” or “Odun Ori Ire”, adding that different culture has their means of tropicalising the festival.
Salis therefore, admonished individuals to seek what the festival is called in their respective culture.
“During the festival or celebration, you will offer prayers to The Soul Maker, the Lord Almighty, to bless your hearts and other organs of your body and for a good head. You should also offer thanksgiving to The SoulMaker, the Creator of the universe, for physical and spiritual guidance and stability,” Salis explained.
“What should you do on these days? Celebrate with your family and friends and offer a thanksgiving feast, dress well and create happy moments. Say the Heart’s Days and Thanksgiving prayers before and or during feasting, By doing so, your Creator will be happy with you and can enrich your Heart and other organs of your body and bless you with a good head,” Salis added.
He said the Soul Makers Ministry abhors genuflecting before stone, woods, idols or man noting that doing so could make one’s soul a victim of what he or she worships.
“Observe what you are worshiping now. Ask yourself, am I worshiping stone, wood, idol or human being? If yes, dump it. Stay away from worshiping stones, idols or human beings. Your creator is against it. Raise your consciousness to your Creator that on these days, you are thanking him for your heart. When you do, you will notice an improvement in your spiritual and physical life,” he said.
Salis said Soul Maker Ministry does not join other sects to address the creator of the universe as ‘God’, or ‘Lord ‘ as common in other religious sects but rather the Creator or Soul Maker, which it believes is reflective and ubiqitous in every tribe and culture globally.
“The Soul Maker, is the owner of your soul represented by the star, and that soul lives in your heart, and that is what you see in the Start-Heart and Heart-Star symbol. It teaches that when you worship anything, you are submitting your soul to that thing. It teaches that the only person to worship is the owner of your soul, which in this case is your first root, your creator, the Soul Maker.”
He noted one of the cardinal objective is to replenish the earth through love and power of regeneration which is enshrined in the Soul Maker alone.
Salis explained: “This is our planet Earth. Everything on this planet Earth grows. For a tree to bear fruits, you have to water the roots. If you need spiritual wisdom, you need to water your roots and you do so by paying obeisance to your roots. Whoever disregards his roots will hardly develop.
He stressed that the ministry subscribes to three key basis-of one’s soul, one parents and one’s ancestors which the ministry likens as first, second and third roots respectively, urging every worshipper to pay obeisance to them.
It implored those who choose to join them in the Heart’s Day celebration, to not only enjoy the blessings but also share the gospel with others.