South-west’s First Female Mechanical Engineering Prof Tasks Govt on Climate Change

Funmi Ogundare

The first female Professor of Mechanical Engineering,  Southwest Nigeria, Christiana  Ijagbemi, yesterday called on governments and stakeholders to harness the power of innovation, collaboration and collective action, towards transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

She argued that this will mitigate the impacts of climate change and the building of a thriving and  sustainable communities for generations to come.

Ijagbemi  made the call at the  Olutumbi Joana Maduka Annual Lecture ( OMAL)  themed: ‘Sustainable Technology and Energy Solutions to Climate Change: Building a Resilient Future’, organised in honour of  the founding President of  Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN) , Mrs Joana  Maduka, in Lagos.

She explained that sustainable technology and energy solutions were indispensable tools in the fight against climate change and the pursuit of a resilient future.

Ijagbemi , a guest speaker at the programme, was represented by a professor of the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Temitope Odetoye.

She described  climate change and sustainability as challenges that must be  addressed, saying that part of that challenge is the emission of greenhouse gases especially carbon dioxide that have led to global warming all over the world.

“Building resilience to climate change requires a holistic approach that integrates sustainable technology with adaptation strategies and community resilience efforts. Investing in green infrastructure, such as flood barriers, green roofs, and coastal restoration projects, can reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events and sea-level rise,” she stated.

By embracing nature-based solutions, such as reforestation, wetland restoration, and sustainable land management, she said, it will  enhance ecosystem services and biodiversity, while providing natural buffers against climate impacts.

“By prioritising resilience in planning and decision-making processes, communities can withstand and recover from climate-related shocks and build a more sustainable and equitable future for all,” she stated.

In her remarks, the President of APWEN, Dr. Adebisi Osim, stated that the theme of the lecture was critical and timely as it demands utmost action. She  called on engineers to harness the power of technology and innovation to address the pressing challenge of climate change .

According to her:” The scientific evidence is clear; our planet is facing unprecedented environmental threats, and we must act decisively to secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

“In today’s rapidly changing world, the impact of climate change is undeniable, and the need for sustainable technology and energy solutions has never been more urgent. As engineers, we hold the key to unlocking innovative solutions that can mitigate the effects of climate change and pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future.”

Speaking with journalists, the Chairperson of the occasion and President, Nigerian Society of Engineers ( NSE) , Mrs. Margaret Oguntala, described Maduka as an epitome of ethics who through the years, had practiced and led by example by mentoring a lot of women in the  engineering profession.

She stated that Nigerian engineers have a role to play in every strata of life, including developing technology and means of mitigating climate change .

She stressed the need for the federal government to implement all  the policy on  renewable energy and green house solutions.

President, Cosmopolitan Women Club, Lagos, Dame Marie Fatayi- Williams stressed the need for Nigeria to ensure a sustainable lifestyle by caring for the environment to mitigate the effects of climate change.

In her remarks, Maduka expressed excitement about the lecture saying that upcoming female engineers should persevere and be hardworking.

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