IYC Backs Fubara’s Moves to Liberate Rivers from Detractors 

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

The Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) has expressed commitment  to the Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara for his untiring move to liberate the state from  all levels of detractors for developments.

This is as governor has warned that any out-going local government chairman in the state who hurts any Rivers person will not be forgiven.

National President of IYC, Mr Jonathan Lokpobiri, who spoke during a solidarity walk to Government House in Port Harcourt, yesterday, described the visit as historical, saying that the Ijaw people were meeting with their Governor on Major Isaac Adaka Boro Day of memorial. 

The solidarity walk was staged as part of activities to celebrate the heroic exploits of the late Major Isaac Adaka Boro, 56 years after his death, which is observed on May 16, every year.

Lokpobiri  affirmed  that the gods of Ijaw people are at work, and warned all detractors to retrace their steps, and allow the governor, who has the full mandate of the people, to discharge his duties to Rivers people.

He commended Governor Fubara for his courage, bravery and commitment to good governance, insisting that the governor’s struggle and triumph resonates with the hope of all Ijaw people.

On his part, Chairman of IYC, Eastern Zone, Mr Tamuno Kpokpo, clarified that their visit was not to signify an ethnic war but to lend support in protection of the interest and continuous development of Rivers State.

Kpokpo said IYC will stand to resist anybody or group of persons anywhere who dare to cause any distraction of governance anymore in the State, and appealed that the Governor be allowed to govern the State peacefully.

Addressing the IYC members, the  governor expressed delight over the assurances by the ethnic group to support his government and  urged that they should celebrate the liberation the state is enjoying presently.

Governor Fubara noted that Major Isaac Adaka Boro genuinely stood for equity, justice, and fair play, and pursued his course to ensure liberation for the Ijaw people and their clans.

The governor emphasised that every genuine Rivers man is a liberator, adding that he was delighted to receive them on such auspicious day to re-enact the common purpose of liberation that they shared.

Governor Fubara, who thanked the IYC for their assurances of being available to respond to his call and stand by him, should the need arises, said there would not be any need to cause disruption of the peace, as according to him, the enemies of the state have been defeated already.

He said: “Because he stood for that unique thing, even after his death, we still celebrate him because he was a liberator. Every Rivers man, it doesn’t matter whether you are Ijaw or upland, the most important thing is that every genuine Rivers man must be a liberator. 

“And I am happy that you have come here today. I have also received you because we have one common purpose: to liberate our dear state. We are not going back on that.”

Governor Fubara added: “I am happy that you’ve told me this morning that when I call on you, you will respond. But there is nothing to call on you for because we have already defeated them. 

“By the special grace of God, what they thought that they would have done to us while we were celebrating our one year in office, they are the ones sleeping with their two eyes open. It shows that we have the Ijaw blood. And what is that blood: it is the blood of action; less talk, more action.”

Similarly, the governor has that his  administration will not forgive any outgoing  local government chairman that tries to attack any Rivers person while expressing their grievances.

Governor Fubara pointed to an event that happened on Tuesday, where he said a miscreants attacked some persons who attended the inauguration of the Aleto-Ogale-Ebubu-Eteo Road project, on their way home, and said such show of animosity was utterly needless. 

Governor Fubara gave the warning at Egbeda community, venue of the ceremony for the official flag-off of the Elele-Egbeda-Omoku Road project in Emohua Local Government Area, yesterday.

He said: “Let me also say this here. Nobody has the monopoly of violence. I should even be the one who should come out and shout that I will do this and that. But I don’t need to do that because both sides belong to me. I have taken oath to protect all.

“So, I am advising those people who call themselves local government chairmen: you have a few days in office. Please, conduct yourselves in a peaceful manner.”

Governor Fubara drew their attention to the reality of the life after office, which should help them to become more circumspect.

He said: “Politics will come, politics will go, but we will still live our lives. Let nobody deceive you, if you deliberately hurt anybody, because of expressing your useless support, nobody will forgive you. You will pay for it. 

“So, I’m begging everyone, please, conduct yourselves. As a matter of fact, I am the one that is most hit, and abused as a Governor who doesn’t know what to do with power. Is it not? Have I said anything? 

So, please, just endure until when you finish, then you go your way. I don’t want trouble. I don’t want anything that will bring any problem in this state. I know what they want to do, but we will not give them the opportunity,” he said.

Governor Fubara further said his government has made promise to President Bola Tinubu that they will take the path of peace, saying that is the part they are taking.  

“Don’t mind what they say. Don’t mind what they do. Peace remains the path to take. While taking the path of that peace, it does not mean that we won’t defend ourselves, or let me describe it this way: we will not just be like a tree seeing someone coming to cut it down, and won’t do anything. No, no no. We need to also protect ourselves in a lawful manner.”

Commenting on the project, Governor Fubara said that what is being done is to let the world know that his administration means well for Rivers State, and was transparently accounting for every kobo that had been received.

Governor Fubara explained that the Elele-Egbeda-Omoku Road project will be funded with savings from the Internal Generated Revenue (IGR), adding that 50 per cent of the total cost of N80.8 billion has already been paid.

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