Bi-Courtney Condemns Vandalism of Terminal Facilities by Passengers over Flight Cancellation

Chinedu Eze

Bi-Courtney Aviation Services Limited (BASL), the managers of the domestic terminal of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, known as MMA2, has condemned the vandalism of facilities at the terminal by passengers who went into rampage when an airline cancelled their flight.

BASL in a statement condemned the action of the passengers and stated that it is reinforcing its zero policy against passenger misconduct at the terminal and destruction of airport property.

“Murtala Muhammed Airport Terminal Two (MMA2), operated by Bi-Courtney Aviation Services Limited, reiterates its unwavering commitment to passenger safety, security, and the protection of airport property.  The terminal operator underscores its zero-tolerance stance against any form of passenger misconduct or vandalism within its terminal premises,” the company said.

It stressed that aggrieved passengers should never resort to violence and destruction of airport property following flight disruptions, noting that such actions pose a threat to the safety and well-being of other passengers and airport staff and property.
“MMA2 condemns such behaviour in the strongest terms possible and emphasises the following key points: Zero tolerance to vandalism: vandalising airport property, including cameras, and other amenities, is unacceptable.

“ Any individual found engaging in such acts will face strict legal consequences, fully, including prosecution by the law. While we understand that flight disruptions can be frustrating, we urge passengers to make their complaints courteously and seek redress through appropriate channels.
“Our staff are here to address any concerns or grievances professionally and respectfully,” it stated.

BASL reiterated that any form of violence within the terminal premises is highly prohibited, remarking that MMA2 maintains a safe and secure environment for all passengers and staff, and any individual found engaging in violent behaviour would be dealt with swiftly and decisively.

“MMA2 remains committed to upholding the highest standards of safety, security, and customer service for all passengers and stakeholders. We urge all passengers to adhere to airport regulations and conduct themselves in a manner befitting that of a responsible traveller.
“For further inquiries or assistance, passengers are encouraged to approach our dedicated customer service personnel or contact us through our official communication channels.

“ Together, let us uphold the values of civility, respect, and cooperation to ensure a pleasant and secure airport experience for everyone,” the statement which was signed by the Head of Corporate Communications, Ajoke Yinka-Olawuyi, said.

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