Man Kills Brother’s Two Kids in Ogun

James Sowole in Abeokuta

A father of three, Taye Agbaje, 37, has reportedly confessed to killing the only two children of his younger brother, Idowu Agbaje, in the Kemta area of Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

In a viral video, Agbaje disclosed how he killed the two boys, xPromise, 9, and his seven-year-old younger brother, Testimony, inside the bush with a machete and left their corpses there.

Agbaje, while being queried in the video, denied killing the innocent kids for money ritual purposes, but he couldn’t explain why their private parts were also missing and could not even be found at the scene of the crime.

It was gathered that the suspect, who had since been arrested by the police, had on August 6 gone to the victims’ house at Kemta area of Abeokuta while their parents were not at home, and took them away on his bike.

After the parents returned home and didn’t see the children, their father, Idowu Agbaje, raised the alarm.

A neighbour later said he saw the two boys on a motorcycle with Agbaje’s elder brother.

A resident, who didn’t want his name in print, said: “Taye denied knowing the whereabouts of the boys. When people said they saw him with the boys, he said he only took them to the market.”

He was, however, said to have been taken to Kemta Police Division, where he confessed to have killed the boys. Agbaje thereafter took the police to the bush where he had slaughtered the victims and left their bodies.

“We all saw the bodies before the police evacuated them to the mortuary. Taye did not give any particular reason for his action; he only said the mother of the kids had spiritually taken his glory for her husband. This is very shocking,” the resident narrated.

The spokesperson of the police in the state, Omolola Odutola, was said to have confirmed the incident, describing it as incomprehensible. Odutola said the suspect had been quizzed and taken into custody.

“The suspect didn’t give any specific reason why he killed his brother’s children. There was no sign of remorse. He was just blaming Satan,” he stated.

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