AGA-Africa Donates Books Worth $70,000 to Veritas University

Alex Enuman in Abuja

In recognition of the critical role education plays in the development of an individual and society in general, the Attorney General Alliance Africa (AGA-Africa), has donated books worth $70,000 to the newly built Justice Chukwuweike Idigbe Law Faculty of the Veritas University in Bwari, Abuja. 

The books were formally handed over to the University last week in Abuja, by Pfizer Inc’s Vice President/ Assistant General Counsel and Founding Board Member of the Attorney General Alliance Africa (AGA-Africa), Mr Markus Green in company of some executives of Punuka Associates, led by Anthony Idigbe, SAN.

Speaking at the handing over, Mr Green observed the role books play in shaping the lives and minds of young people, hence his organisation’s decision to support the institution with the said books.

“Part of our work is capacity building, and one of the ways in which we build capacity is through connectivity with University. We understand that all of these belong to young people, because all of us standing here, our batteries will run out at one point; so, we have to hand over to the next generation, and we have to ensure that the next generation has the tools to do the work that needs to be done.

“As part of that we are starting a program where we have donated books to Kenya, we are moving on to Zambia, Malawi, so with all of our partners we are working to give books to universities. We understand that this is the foundation; that universities are the foundation of learning, we understand that education is not only a right but is a responsibility and so we are taking it very seriously, and at AGA-Africa, we are very proud to donate these books and we look for other ways to partner with Veritas University”, he said .

The Pfizer Vice President however, urged the students to be focused, work hard and do everything needed to succeed and excel in their career and life in general, adding that, “You have to be prepared for opportunities, open yourself to opportunity and when the opportunity comes, say yes . Fear not.

Also speaking, Senior Partner, PUNUKA Associates, Chief Anthony Idigbe, SAN, who facilitated the books donation commended the institution for its fast growing rate, especially with the Law Faculty.

Chief Idigbe said, “The event we are having today is a confirmation of a relationship; it is not a touch and go, if it was a touch and go relationship we would have just assisted you with the building and go away but it is a relationship as you can see. 

“We hope to deepen the relationship more further because of the other commitments, we will try our best.’ 

In his response, the Vice Chancellor of Veritas University, Professor Hyacinth Ichokwu, commended the AGA-Africa and Chief Idigbe for the kind gesture.

While promising that the institution would make good use of the books as well as preserve them for future generations, he gave assurance that both the students as well as the University would also do their best to stand out in the academia and professional world.

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