Tinubu: We’ll Make Progress, Achieve United Country if We Eschew Divisive Rivalries

Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja

President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has said that a peaceful, strong, united and a prosperous country is achievable if Nigerians eschew divisive, parochial, ethnic, religious sentiments and rivalries.

Tinubu, in a statement issued Saturday rejoiced with Christians in Nigeria and all over the world who are celebrating Easter.

He urged everyone to reflect on the priceless sacrifice and limitless love of God for mankind. 

Tinubu noted that as they celebrate, they should also remember their obligations, as God’s children, to love their  neighbours, regardless of tongue, faith and tribe. 

He stressed that this celebration was in commemoration of Jesus Christ’s life of service and his supreme sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. 

Tinubu said: “And as we observe Easter this year, let us all imbibe the essential message of Christ’s ministry and truly begin to love our fellow Nigerians as we love ourselves.

“We will make faster progress towards the achievement of the peaceful, united, strong, progressive and prosperous country we all desire if we eschew divisive, parochial, ethnic and religious sentiments and rivalries, and begin to live more harmoniously with our compatriots.”

The former governor of Lagos state noted that Easter is about Renewed Hope and Redemption and also   symbolizes the triumph of hope over despair, love over hate and condemnation, and optimism over cynicism. 

He said everyone should  embrace this spirit and recommit themselves to edifying and patriotic pursuits in the interest of the nation.

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