NAWOJ Urges Women to Participate in Peace, Security Process

Onuminya Innocent in Sokoto

The Sokoto Chapter of National Women of Journalists (NAWOJ), at the weekend, urged women to participate in the process of peace building in the nation.

At One-Day Special Platform on the Role of Women in Peace and Security organised by the NAWOJ, the Guest Speaker, Professor Tukur M. Baba of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, noted that every citizen has the responsibility to ensure security and peace.

Baba said that doing so would mitigate the challenges of insecurity, peace and unity being faced by the nation.

He noted that women were critical factors and could be instrumental in driving the agenda for sustained peace and security for nation building.

However, Baba regretted that women were relegated without given them free space to encourage themselves educationally, adding that they suffered most in the chain and process of survival.

Baba identified research, environment, training, inclusiveness and resilience among fundamental drivers that could inspire the confidence of women for peace and security.

He noted that women were fast exposed to negative issues as rape, asexual relationship and general GBV occasioned by injustices as fundamental issues to address.

“Women need to engage themselves in advocacy through associations like NAWOJ to be able to brace up to their role by identifying their competence and capacity against all sort of violence especially on the girl child.

“You also need to champion the principle of governance for accountability as well against corruption among other negative variables and components.

“Political leaders should also engage more women in the political arena with a view to ensuring fairness for peace and security in their homes,” he pointed out.

In her presentation, Dr. Asiyatu Abubakar Bagudu, also of the UDUS, described women as complementary partners to the development of the society, stressing that peace and security were important. 

Fatima, who represented the Wife of the GOC 8 Division, said that women have been in forefront of leadership in many sectors including the military.

She said lots of women played key role in peace keeping situations around the globe, adding that women also engaged in resolving conflicts in homes.

The Federation of Muslim Women Association of Nigeria (FOMWAN), said that injustice in the society has made women victims of circumstance.

“Unless there is justice and equitable distribution of national wealth and other social inequalities are addressed, women will continue to suffer the consequence,” she said.

Delivering her welcome address, the State Chairperson of NAWOJ, Ms. Rakiya Muhammad, said that the programme was deliberately aimed at highlighting women’s strategic role in promoting and sustaining an enduring peace and stability in the face of the security challenges bedeviling the nation, noting that the general polls was around the corner.

According to her, “we recognise the diverse roles women play across the spectrums and identify the need to equip them better to advance the nation’s peace and security as fundamental factors and driver of development for nation building.”

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