Ugwuanyi Urges Pilgrims to Pray for Nigerian Leaders

Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State has been commended for his dedication to the building of faith of the people of the state through his administration’s constant sponsorship of indigenes to the Holy lands of Israel and Jordan.

Ugwuanyi was also commended for always putting Enugu in the front position among states in the country that embark on Christian Pilgrimage.

The Executive Secretary, Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC), Rev. Dr. Yakubu Pam, made the commendations on Friday, in Enugu, during the National flag-off of the December 2022 Christian Pilgrimage, which witnessed the airlifting of 300 Pilgrims to the Holy lands of Israel and Jordan, sponsored by the Ugwuanyi’s administration.

Speaking at the event, the NCPC Executive Secretary said that Enugu State has always been number one in the national exercise, stressing that the state is the first to commence the 2022 December Pilgrimage in the country.

Rev. Dr. Pam who described Governor Ugwuanyi as “the governor of the masses, the governor who brought Israel and Rome to Enugu State, a man of peace and a man that his people love so much”, maintained that “Enugu State will always be number one.”

He disclosed that “the first flight that is going to airlift people to the December Pilgrimage touched down first in Enugu and it is in the airport now waiting for you (Pilgrims).”

Appreciating Governor Ugwuanyi’s commitment to the religious exercise and its positive impact on the people of Enugu State, the Executive Secretary stated that the governor has demonstrated “dedication of faith to your people”, adding: “It is not every governor that will realise the blessings behind building the faith of their people.

“Many here are going there with prayer requests through you who have approved this journey. Their prayer requests will be answered.

“I want to say from the bottom of my heart, this God who has given you this wisdom, never in this life will he ever abandon you. He will always be with you and keep you.”

In his brief remarks, the Executive Secretary, Enugu State Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board, Barr. Nestor Ezeme pointed out that Governor Ugwuanyi has remained consistent in sponsoring Christian Pilgrims to the Holy Land of Israel and Jordan in spite of the state’s limited resources, revealing that it was because of this feat that the NCPC honoured him with ‘Best Pilgrimage Governor in the South East Nigeria’ award.

Barr. Ezeme told the governor that the beneficiaries, comprising professors, doctors, teachers, Keke riders, market women and other people from all walks of life and different Christian denominations in Enugu State, were grateful  to him and will show further appreciation when they return back.

He assured Governor Ugwuanyi that they all resolved to be good ambassadors of Enugu State in Israel and Jordan and will not doing anything to undermine the integrity of the state.

Welcoming the Executive Secretary of NCPC to Enugu, Governor Ugwuanyi expressed delight at the choice of Enugu State for the epoch event.

The governor, who acknowledged with deep sense of appreciation, the award of the ‘Best Pilgrimage Governor in the South East Nigeria’ conferred on him last year by NCPC, implored the Pilgrims to pray for President Muhammadu Buhari, all the governors of the 36 state of Nigeria “and indeed all those in authority in the country whom God has anointed to manage our affairs.”

Governor Ugwuanyi equally urged them to pray for God’s intervention in the affairs of Nigeria, especially the ravaging insecurity and economic hardship; pray for a peaceful 2023 general election and a successful transition; pray for more love and tolerance among Nigerians as a new paradigm that will underpin the full restoration of peace, unity and progress.

Enjoining the Pilgrims to be good ambassadors of the state, and to exhibit high sense of decency and decorum while in the Holy land, the governor beseeched God to grant them “His journey mercies to the Hold land where God has revealed himself”, saying: “Most importantly, may you truly encounter God through the Holy Spirit on this journey.

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