Musa Amadu Declares for NFF President, Vows to Restore Nigeria’s Football Glory

Olawale Ajimotokanin Abuja

Former General Secretary, Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Musa Amadu, has declared his candidacy for the elective office of the President of the NFF.

Amadu, who was the NFF General Secretary from July 2010 to March 2015, yesterday threw his hat into the ring at Sandralia Hotel, Abuja in the presence of key football stakeholders, which included former NFF Chairman, Alhaji Ibrahim Galadima, former chairmanof the Houseof Representatives CommitteeonSports,Hon. Godfrey Gaiya, former NFF Secretary General, Dr Tijani Yusuf, former NFF Secretary General, Ambassador Fanny Amun, President General Nigeria Football Supporters Club, Dr Rafiu Ladipo, current NFF board members, Shehu Dikko, Seyi Akinwunmi and Ahmed Yusuf Fresh; some state FA Chairmen and some former national players led by Victor Ikpeba, Emmanuel Babayaro and Sunday Mba.

Football critic, Shuaibu Gara-Gombe said he would be supporting Amadu’s candidacy on the basis of the former scribe’s integrity and distinguished record of service. The NFF board election is scheduled to hold in Benin City on September 30, 2022.

 Amadu, a lawyer and a FIFA Masters degree holder, said he had a vision to restore Nigeria football glory in all sectors including governance, club administration, player development and technical affairs.

He said the capacity of the Nigerian coaches must be enhanced without recourse to foreign input for the growth of the game in the country.

“People are always quick to ask me, what is wrong in Nigerian football that I want to fix? What makes me think I can fix these ills? And I always answer – my focus is not only on what is wrong. My friends, elders and colleagues, my focus is on what can be made right!

“We want to build an image of Nigerian football that will make the Nigerian person walk tall in the street anywhere in the world and be referred to as ‘the guy or lady who comes from that football country where everything is well-run’.

“We want to create opportunities for people who hitherto would not have had a chance to be anywhere near a football field – job opportunities that will take our youth off the streets, football opportunities that will empower every sector of our society and create gainful employment,” Amadu said.

He said the NFF board under him would go to the grassroots and work closely with the state Football Association s to unearth the best talent in the game and give them a future.

Amadu said he would revive the glory days and make Nigeria’s rich talent reflect by winning trophies and ensuring the country takes its pride of place at elite level.

“I will set up a national teams’ management board that will oversee all team Nigeria matters beyond just the playing side of things, and bring back the glory days. Those days that we got used to while I was General Secretary, must come back! We just need to get it right!

“Our women, our girls, who have brought pride to our nation on and outside the pitch deserve better.  We dominated women’s football in Africa for so long, so much so that we assumed it was our birthright. And now we have seen the reality, the reality is that the gap is closing on us. We need to step up our game, and give women’s football what it is due. Not just for the Super Falcons, but the further development of women’s football in Nigeria”.

Amadu assured he will maintain partnership and create a NFF/Government Liaison structure that is workable, as has been working in many countries I have had the opportunity to visit and understudy. He said his Presidency will be accountable to the nation and be transparent and judicious in our use of the FIFA and work very supplement what FIFA provides through sponsorship.

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