Today’s Economy More of Skill-based, Not White Collar Jobs, NYSC DG Tells Outgoing Corps Members

 Onuminya Innocent in Sokoto

The Director-General of the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC), Brig General Muhammad Fadah, yesterday said present economy is more of skill-based and not white collar jobs.

Fadah, represented by the Coordinator of NYSC, Sokoto State, Alhaji Muhammad Nakamba, stated this at the event where a total of 101 outgoing Batch B, Stream 2, corps members that participated in various Skills, Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) at post-camp training received their certificates at a joint graduation ceremony in Sokoto.

At the event, which was organised by SAED department of NYSC Sokoto, Fadah urged the outgoing corps members to utilise the skills learnt during the service year to enable them be self-reliance.

In his remark, the state Coordinator, Alhaji Muhammad Nakamba, while speaking through the Assistant Director in charge of SAED,  Fagge Garba, charged the graduating corps members to take the skills acquired seriously, as white colour jobs are not really available, stressing that the NYSC management in its wisdom came up  with SAED programmes in 2012 so that after the service year, they would be self-employed.

On his part, the guest speaker, Dr. Shadi, challenged the corps members to be wealth creators by using the skills they learnt to set up business that will sustain them and also employ others.

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