Sharon Ooja: I’m Not One of Those that Thrive on Controversy

As delectable actress, Sharon Ooja walks the red-carpet last Sunday at the premiere of ‘The Perfect Arrangement’, a rom-com co-produced by Inkblot and FilmOne Entertainment, her glow further lit the space. She poses for pictures to the admiration of guests while exchanging pleasantries with colleagues, guests and smiles from the cast and crew to the delight of the paparazzi who kept clicking away. Radiating joy from being the star girl of the night following her lead role as Tade, the central character of the movie, her mood could be felt. She spent some time chatting with Ferdinand  Ekechukwu on her dream role, character and experience on set of the production

A bit more on the movie, ‘The Perfect Arrangement’ sounds so apt for a movie title. What went wrong and what went right in the context of the plot?

In ‘The Perfect Arrangement’, Tade was in love; in the ‘Perfect Arrangement’, what went wrong was that she was in love with two brothers. And what went right? you watch Tade in the movie in the cinemas 13th of May to find out what that might be…

Tell us about your character and role in the movie

Okay, so I played the role of Tade. And the character was a very happily, young, rich girl who fell in love with two guys… So there’s a predicament going on.

Have you once found yourself entangled in love situation in real life?

I can’t speak about that, sorry (smiles)… I don’t want to share it yet (laughing).

Why do you think this is a movie people should see?

Because, it’s a feel good romantic comedy; the country is hard; everything is tough you know. Just come to the cinema, watch something that would make you laugh, you know giggle. It’s a simple love story and that’s just what it’s supposed to be.

What was your experience like on the set of the movie?

Oh I love Inklobt. So, every time I’m working with them my heart is always at rest. They don’t stress actors. So I love them.

Is there any particular role you are looking forward to playing you know having featured in so many other roles?

Yes, a musician. I definitely want to play a musician where I sing, dance, have to do choreography for like months and put in a lot of efforts. So yea…that.

What’s a typical day like for Sharon?

When I’m not at work I’m sleeping, eating, and more eating…

Aside acting what other entertainment skill do you possess?

Well I’m a model. I can definitely present. I think every actor can present. I can dance and I can sing. So, yea it’s all of that…

What prepared you for the acting job you are doing today?

Honestly speaking, it’s the Lord Jesus because I didn’t have any plan to act. I have said it several times in my interviews I didn’t even know I was going to be an actor.  But we thank God I’m here and I’m killing it.

How have you managed to stay off controversy because you are not seen as such?

I’m simply here for work. I’m not one of those who thrive on controversy. I believe whenever I’m in the news, let me be in the news for my work. 

No disrespect to anyone who has controversy or is controversial. But it’s just not my thing. And if anyone gets to come up published, I want to be sure that I did not orchestrate it. 

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