NCC Equips ICT Centre for Zik Varsity

David-Chyddy Eleke in Awka

The Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) has equipped and handed over completed Information Communication Technology Centre (ICTC) to Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), Awka.

The NAU is among four universities in the six geopolitical zones penciled down to benefit from the commission’s benevolence.

Three other universities who benefited from the scheme include; University of Port Harcourt (South-south), Federal University of Technology Minna (North-west) and an unnamed university in the North-east zone.

The ultramodern ICT centre consisted of 100 high caliber computer systems, server room, external power generating set and solar system to further enhance and boost power supply.

A senior official of the NCC, Mr. Kenneth Uzoekwe, who handed the centre over to the school management stated that the ICTC is a federal government intervention through the NCC.

Uzoekwe said the intervention is part of her mandate towards bridging digital divide, encouraging development and breeding technology hubs.

“The ICTC enhance enhance research and development, which has the capacity to take high tech software like Engineering design, science and programming.

“The system can be upgraded even as the centre has a Central Processing Unit and a server to further boost its capabilities.”

Reacting during the hand over, the Vice Chancellor of NAU, Professor Charles Esimone, expressed delight that UNIZIK is one of the institutions to have benefited.

Esimone emphasised that the institution is not ignorant of the demands expected of it in terms of teaching and research and disclosed that the institution will enjoy the partnership of NCC by effectively utilising the ICT Centre which will aid digital processes such as Computer Based Test (CBT), Transcript and other ICT based activities.

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