Electoral Bill Pegs Presidential Campaign Spending at N5bn

*Limits individual donations to N50m

Chuks Okocha

The 2010 Electoral Act (Amendment) Bill 2022 passed by the two chambers of the National Assembly has increased the limit on the overall amount a presidential candidate can spend during elections to N5 billion. The campaign spending limit in the revised amended bill is a significant increase from the N1 billion previously provided.

The revised bill also states that no individual shall donate more than N50 million to the campaign funds of a political partly. The amount was previously limited to N10 million.

According to a new Section 91 (1) of the clean copy of the bill, which would be sent to President Muhammadu Buhari for assent, “Election expenses shall not exceed the sum stipulated in subsections (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) and (7).

“(2) The maximum election expenses to be incurred by a candidate at a presidential election shall not exceed N5, 000,000,000.00.
“(3) The maximum amount of election expenses to be incurred by a candidate in respect of governorship election shall not exceed N1, 000,000,000.00.

“(4) The maximum amount of election expenses to be incurred by a candidate in respect of Senatorial and House of Representatives seat shall not exceed N100, 000,000.00 and N70, 000,000.00, respectively.

“(5) In the case of State Assembly election, the maximum amount of election expenses to be incurred by a candidate shall not exceed N30, 000,000.00.

“(6) In the case of a chairmanship election to an Area Council, the maximum amount of election expenses to be incurred by a candidate shall not exceed N30, 000,000.00.”

In the new revised bill, the election expenses for governorship, senatorial, and House of Representatives candidates were increased from N200 million to N1 billion; N40 million to N100 million; and N20 million to N70 million, respectively.

The old Section 91 (1) had stated, “Election expenses shall not exceed the sum stipulated in subsection (2) – (7) of this section.
“(2) The maximum election expenses to be incurred by a candidate at a Presidential election shall be N1, 000,000,000.00.

“(3) The maximum election expenses to be incurred by a candidate at a Governorship election shall be N200, 000,000.00.

“(4) The maximum amount of election expenses to be incurred by a candidate in respect of Senatorial and House of Representatives seats shall be N40, 000,000.00 and N20, 000,000.00, respectively.

“(5) In the case of State Assembly election, the maximum amount of election expenses to be incurred shall be N10, 000,000.00.

“(6) In the case of a Chairmanship election to an Area Council, the maximum amount of election expresses to be incurred shall be ten million naira N10, 000,000.00

“(7) In the case of councillorship election to an Area Council, the maximum amount of election expenses to be incurred shall be one million naira (N1, 000, 000.00).”

The National Assembly also increased the amount an individual could donate to a presidential candidate from N1 million to N50 million.
Precisely, Section 91 (9) of the old bill reads, “No individual or other entity shall donate more than N1, 000,000.00 to any candidate.”
On the other hand, Section 91 (9) of the new bill reads: “No individual or other entity shall donate to a candidate more than N50, 000,000.00.”

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