Mining: Asuquo Faults Abandonment of Solid Mineral Sector

Kasim Sumaina in Abuja

The Director General, National Metallurgical Development Centre, (NMDC) Jos, Prof Linus Asuquo has faulted the age long abandonment of the solid mineral sector for its petroleum counterpart, stating that the decision by the country’s leaders led to its non industrial development.

The NMDC boss noted that with adequate funding especially in research and development, the country’s mining sector will be able to ensure economic growth and sustainability.

Speaking to newsmen in Abuja, Asuquo stated that there can not be industrialization in the country if there was no adequate funding in research and development saying that funding was needed for development of solid minerals which was capital intensive.

He noted that in the drive to diversify the economy through mining and bringing in investors, adequate budget should be made for research and development as no country would be able to move forward with a 0.1 percent allocation for research.

He said especially for solid minerals sector of which the country being blessed with about 44 minerals has to invest in accurate data gathering to attract investors due to the dwindling prices of oil.

He said, “The country had only invested 0.1percent in research and development until the present administration’s upgrade to 0.5 percent.”

He maintained the country is blessed with about 44 solid minerals and Jos, Plateau state in particular, is blessed with so many of such minerals and was recognised as the second best in the world.

“Because of oil, these minerals were abandoned and there has been a rethinking that we should concentrate on our solid minerals to increase revenue and diversify the economy because of the draining prices of oil, “he dded.

He stressed that due to the draining prices of oil and the present administration efforts to diversify the economy through the mining sector, the centre has been working assiduously not only for the state but for all resources from the states across the country to improve on research and development.

Asuquo stated that though there was no adequate funding for the centre but it has been able to upgrade its equipment for the production of iron ore and to improve its value in the market.

He explained that equipment at the center before now have been very obsolete, stating that lack of funds stall their maintenance and repair them to standard as the budget for the centre was not adequate but with determination he had been able to restructure the management, staff and have provided adequate security to uplift the centre.

He said that the NMDC has also had a collaboration with MinDiver/ World Bank Projects to renovate the centre to standards stressing that the centre has signed an MOU with DICON in December 2020 for the production of raw materials for ammunition to enable revenue generation.

“We had to go to the House to appeal for increase in our budget allocation because we need a lot of funding so as to enable for revenue generation noting that On the 1st of December 2020, the MOU with DICON was signed what we are waiting for is funds to enable us buy accessories to produce lead, steel and brass to produce these ammuments locally, “he added.

He therefore made an appeal to federal government to continue with it’s provision of top security especially in mining states and sites urging that there should be a synergy with state government so as to attract investors and drive towards economic development.

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