Why Producers, Songwriters Struggle to Feed – Ogaga Sakapide

Top notch Nigeria’s music critic, A&R Executive, Ogaga Sakapide has said, music artistes are the main reason why most producers and songwriters still find it difficult to survive in Africa, especially in Nigeria.

Addressing a cross section of journalists in Lagos recently, also known as Ogagus, give his candid opinion on why executive producer culture in Nigeria has grown in recent times.

“I am really not for or against it. If you want to release a body of work, you can and it should slap. I am more interested in the quality of the music than the quantity not everyone should jump in with an E.P, growing following and have a plan. Still, artistes feel that they can express layers of their art in an album or extended play in a bid to grow fanbase and dominance.

“Yeah! on the biggest problems the music industry in Nigeria, the fact that other professionals like producers, songwriters and likes struggle to eat from the industry is due to selfishness of artistes, and it’s not just a Nigerian thing, it’s cut across Africa. The fact that the basic commodity is hardly consumed via the appropriate channels due to a high level of piracy and poverty in the country, the inability of artistes to properly tour within Nigeria due to insecurity, absence of infrastructure and more” he said.

On why there’s been a lot of squabbles between artists and labels, what he thinks the predominant factor is and what can be done to reduce them, “Greed and selfishness is the major factor, also nasty attitude from artistes once they get famous. Artistes should honour contracts and stop being greedy. If you have an issue address it properly, be open to enriching the label and music industry at large, it not just about you. And let me also this, the music industry still has more to do to make the audience more inclined to buy or stream music.

“Educating consumers is a good start and hopefully the poverty rate decreases and our bank cards work better so listeners can have more funds to spend on music and be able to do this easily. Good thing is, music streaming is growing, but majority of the consumers do not consume music via streaming. I believe a minute fraction do, so there’s need to educate them”. Ogagus noted. Following his creativity, Ogaga who has worked with top Nigerian music stars, was recently a part of fast rising music sensation, Chike’s debut album, Boo Of the Booless, he shared his experience putting the body of work together, “To be honest, Chike did the heavy lifting which is writing and recording the music. Putting it together came to me naturally, even though the first single over two years old, it was like breathing. I even arranged the tracklist passively, it was after I was done, I was like wow! This is a potential classic, we have on our hands” he said .

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