Chamomile, The Wonder Herb

Chamomile,  nature’s wonder plant. It is widely known that from the beginning at creation, God created plants and vegetation and instructed us to them and eat them. But man in our usual way of refining and upgrading our lifestyle have totally eroded and depleted the natural goodness that was put in every fruit and vegetation for our benefit. We decided to process and waste all the natural goodness and nourishment in what God created for our good.
There are a lot of benefits. But of recent , many people have gradually found their way to using natural herbs in its raw state , to improve nourishment and health benefits .
One of such herbs that is the  one in all remedy is chamomile.

Chamomile Benefits: 
• Antioxidant,
•  Anti-Inflammatory and
•  Anti-Cancer

Considered to be one of the most ancient and versatile medicinal herbs known to mankind, dried chamomile flowers have numerous, widespread health implications thanks to their high level of disease-fighting antioxidants like terpenoids and flavonoids. Chamomile’s vital antioxidants are found in the plant’s potent oils and are the main contributors to its natural healing properties.…
Where it is found
Chamomile is a traditional medicinal herb native to western Europe, India, and western Asia. It has become abundant in  the United States, where it has escaped cultivation to grow freely in pastures, cornfields, roadsides, and other sunny, well-drained areas. Chamomile flowers can often be found in the yard and in the wild, but the tea is usually made from the German variety.

Interesting Chamomile Facts

Chamomile grows in the form of small shrub that usually reaches 8 to 12 inches in height. German chamomile grows to the height of 3 feet.
Chamomile has green, feathery leaves that are alternately arranged on the stem.
Chamomile blooms from June to July. Flies are main pollinator of chamomile flowers.
Name “chamomile” originates from Greek words “chamos”, which means “ground” and “milos” which means “apple”. Chamomile is named that way because it grows close to the ground and smells like apple.
Chemical compounds and oils that are used in medical and cosmetic industry are extracted from the flower.
Even though beneficial effects of chamomile are not scientifically proven, chamomile is used in treatment of more than 100 different disorders.
Chamomile can be used in the form of tea, tincture, lotion, capsules or various drops.
Chamomile possesses anti-inflammatory properties, can be used for disinfection and to relieve the pain. It is mainly used for the treatment of urinary and ocular infections, skin rash, toothache, respiratory pain, premenstrual pain, migraine, insomnia, anxiety…

Chamomile can induce side effects when it is consumed in combination with other medications. Also, chamomile may induce premature birth because it stimulates contraction of the uterus.
People that are allergic to ragweed will probably exhibit allergy to the chamomile. Allergy can be triggered after application of cream containing chamomile or after consumption of tea.

Chamomile plant
Considered to be one of the most ancient and versatile medicinal herbs known to mankind, dried chamomile flowers have numerous, widespread health implications thanks to their high level of disease-fighting antioxidants like terpenoids and flavonoids.
Chamomile’s vital antioxidants are found in the plant’s potent oils and are the main contributors to its natural healing properties. As an effective alternative medicine with almost no known negative side effects, chamomile has been used for nearly 5,000 years in standardized tea, herbal extract and cosmetic forms to promote tranquility, vitality, a youthful appearance and longevity.

Wonder herb: Proven Chamomile Benefits
One cup of chamomile tea has two calories, two milligrams of sodium and no cholesterol. Chamomile is commonly used for improving many different health conditions, including:
• Fighting anxiety and depression .
• Natural allergy fighter or hay fever
• Anti-inflammatory
• Muscle spasms treatment
• PMS natural remedy and other menstrual disorders
• Insomnia cure
• Skin disorders
• Ulcers
• Wounds
• Gastrointestinal disorders
• Natural arthritis cure and rheumatic pain reliever
• Hemorrhoids home remedy

How can one herb do so much? 
Chamomile benefits include being used in dozens of ways to soothe the body, whether it be lowering pain due to sickness or childbirth, or fighting skin irritations and helping reduce anxiety.
The list of ways that chamomile extract can be used is surprisingly long, and some popular all-natural chamomile remedies include: diffusing it in the home to help with falling asleep; applying its oils to skin to heal bug bites, itching and act as a natural eczema remedy; adding it to toothpaste or mouthwash to kill toothaches and inflammation; ingesting chamomile as a liver cleanse and heal digestive issues; and

Chamomile Benefits
1. High Source of Antioxidants
The main antioxidant components extracted from chamomile flowers are the terpenoid group of antioxidants, including chamazulene and acetylene derivatives. Because these delicate compounds are unstable, they’re thought to be best preserved in an alcoholic tincture or “essential oil” form.
These compounds lower inflammation by fighting free radical damage and preventing cell mutation. Chamomile benefits start with antioxidants that are associated with better immune function; lower rates of mood disorders; reduced pain and swelling; and healthier skin, hair, nails, teeth and eyes.

2. Fights Anxiety and Depression
Chamomile, whether in tea, tincture or essential oil form, is one the best medicinal herbs for fighting stress and promoting relaxation, Inhaling chamomile vapors using chamomile essential oils is often recommended as a natural remedy for anxiety and general depression, which is one reason why chamomile oil is a popular ingredient in many candles, aromatherapy products and bath-soaking treatments.
In extract form, chamomile is frequently used as a mild sedative to calm nerves and reduce anxiety because its vapors travel directly to the olfactory part of the brain, turning off tension and reducing the body’s stress response. This is why practitioners use chamomile to effectively relieve symptoms of chronic anxiety and stress, including hysteria, nightmares, insomnia and various digestive problems.
Smells are carried directly to the brain, and they serve as an emotional trigger such as feelings of fear, anger and attraction. Our basic emotions and hormonal balance are in response to the most basic smell. Scents are a direct pathway to memory and emotion. Fragrances, like chamomile, relieve pain and generally affect personality and behavior.

3. Improves Digestion
Believed to be a powerful digestive relaxant, chamomile can be used to treat various gastrointestinal disturbances, including gas, acid reflux symptoms, indigestion, diarrhea, anorexia, motion sickness, nausea and vomiting. Chamomile extract can help shorten the course of diarrhea and colic in children as well as relieve symptoms associated with the conditions like pain and anxiety. Chamomile oil also contains anodyne compounds that are anti-spasmodic, reducing cramping, constipation and other stomach pains. Many of these benefits are due to chamomile’s natural relaxing effects

4. Has Strong Anti-Inflammatory and Pain-Reducing Abilities
Chamomile is sometimes called an “herbal aspirin” since it’s been a popular home remedy for lowering pain for centuries. Chamomile flowers are used alone or in combination with other anti-inflammatory foods to reduce pain, congestion, swelling and redness. They’re effective at reducing facial swelling, skin irritations, toothaches, pain from infections and underlying issues of inflammation. This is the reason chamomile extract is commonly added to beauty products like facial or body lotions, toothpastes, and bath soaps.
Chamomile can also naturally lower pain associated with arthritis, injuries, back pain, fevers and pregnancy. In fact, its pain-reducing qualities are even used to soothe the body and mind after giving birth. For example, in some parts of the world like Mexico, chamomile tea is given to women after labor to relax their abdominal muscles and help them rest.

5. May Help Fight Cancer
Recently, several studies dug into the anti-cancer activity of chamomile. Evidence shows positive effects of chamomile stopping cancerous tumor growth and acting as a natural cancer treatment. Inhibition of cancerous cells is believed to be due to chamomile’s antioxidants called apigenin, which are bioactive constituents that appear to help fight skin, prostate, breast and ovarian cancers.
In a recent study, chamomile extracts were shown to cause minimal growth inhibitory effects on normal healthy cells, but showed significant reductions in human cancer cells, especially androgen-refractory cells that often lead to prostate cancer.

6. Relieves Congestion
Because chamomile benefits include both fighting infections and reducing mucus congestion, it’s added to many nasal sprays. Chamomile tea is also a good choice when you’re sick and want to beat a cold, the flu or sinus infection. Studies indicate that inhaling steam with chamomile extract is helpful in common cold symptoms. Some people even gargle chamomile tea or extract to fight inflammation of the mucous membranes and within the mouth and throat.

7. Rejuvenates Skin
Suffering from breakouts or dry, irritated, aged, red skin? Try using chamomile oil mixed into lotion. Chamomile promotes smooth, healthy skin and relieves irritations thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Chamomile’s flavonoids and essential oils penetrate below the skin surface into the deeper skin layers of the skin, preserving its youthful appearance, completion and immune defenses. As a traditional medicine, it’s been used for centuries to treat wounds, ulcers, eczema, gout, skin irritations, bruises, burns and canker sores.
Today, we know chamomile benefits and uses go even further — it’s also useful for getting rid of signs of aging like dark spots and fine lines, reducing dandruff naturally, treating chickenpox quickly, and fading scars. Additionally, it makes a great natural diaper rash treatment and can even be used around the eyes to fight infections and sties.

8. Keeps Gum and Teeth Conditions
In addition to healing skin and the respiratory tract, chamomile benefits include the ability to fight various bacterial infections of the oral cavity, teeth and gums. Chamomile benefits help reduce pain associated with cancer sores, wounds and toothaches, plus they fight harmful bacteria that can live within the mouth.

9. May Improve Heart Health
Recently, chamomile has been associated with providing cardiovascular protection. Because of its high level of flavonoids, chamomile consumed in foods is linked with a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease in elderly men. One study published in The Lancet assessed the flavonoid intake of 805 men aged 65–84 years and found that higher flavonoid intake from foods and herbs was significantly inversely associated with mortality from coronary heart disease

Best way to prepare :
Pour fresh water in a clean saucepan (one that you reserve for tea making). Boil the water while you rinse and clean chamomile flowers (fresh or dry) in cold water. Put 2-3 teaspoons of flowers (for every cup of water) in the water once it comes to a boil.
There are several brands of chamomile teas being sold . a tea bag per cup , with hot water, you allow to seep for 15 minutes. And drink slowly. It is soothing and very beneficial for you.

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