Savage Xtra: Playing Wizkid’s  First Album Changed My Life

Uche Barry Nwachukwu, a.k.a Savage Xtra, is a beacon of hope and symbol of resilience for aspiring artistes and fans alike. His music, with its infectious beats and uplifting messages has the power to brighten lives and inspire dreams. Savage Xtra’s creative process is a harmonious collaboration with his producer, where he transforms his idea into soul-stirring melodies. Writing all his songs himself, he weaves his life experiences into each note, making his music a reflection of his odyssey. Hell tells  Ferdinand  Ekechukwu about his forthcoming album, his musical journey, what the album mean to him and more…

Can you speak on your upcoming album and its composition?

Oh well, ‘Young, Blessed and Dangerous’ is my second studio album. And one that I presently crafted. My first album was 2021, and this is coming in 2024, in compliance to what I also promised my fans. It’s an album that describes my current state of mind and character, with every track different from the other; different vibes, different beats, different energy too. The album is a 14-track body of work and its best understood when you listen to it, I appreciate.

Are there any artiste featured on the album?

I have a couple of artistes on the project. I have Ejima 042, I have Moseric, I have GoodLife, I have Ononi, I have Styles Omata, I have GhostD, I have Phloryda, and Jahplaka on the project.

Can you tell us about some of the songs on the album, any videos shot, if any?

Well we have ‘Blessings’ out, currently I have the visuals out on YouTube and TV stations. We also have ‘Pay Me’ which is also out and banging. We have ‘Paper’ out, and its talking about the resilience in me; the ability to keep going and get what I need for my daily activities. We also have ‘Feel My Legs’; it’s out. The album is billed for June, 2024.

What does this album mean to you and what’s the backstory?

This album for me I see it like a victory project because you know my music is very real, telling my real life day to day activity. So, going through pain and coming out of it successfully through the help of God and also trying to vocalize what I have experienced. I made the project from a place of peace and tranquility.

Your songs and music you said reflect your life experience. How?

Well, my real life is literarily what I sing about; like the things I have experienced as a kid, the things I’m experiencing now, the things I have experienced as a teenager you know, as a young adult, and my everyday life, starting from my family to my everyday vibe. I just keep it very real.

What genre of music do you do?

My genre of music is afrobeats yeah and I also do a little bit of trap on some days but I want to be identified as an afrobeats artiste because I have a lot of afrobeats, that’s what I believe in.

What’s your music journey like?

My music journey has been hectic! I started 2019 officially, and it has been a little bit of ups and down but you know I have been going I mean I don’t have plans of stopping until I get everything I feel that I deserve.

Are you signed to any record label, which other artistes are on the label?

Currently I’m signed to Alta Confianza.   And I also co-owned the record label. So yes…. Currently Alta Confianza is housing Florida, GoodLife, Moseric, Shawn Hybrid, me of course, Sava Xtra and also Damascus.

What’s your perspective about Nigerian music on the global stage at the moment?

I feel like afrobeats, Nigerian music has saved the world from a lot of things, let me just keep it as brief as that.

Who are your musical influences?

My musical influences are Wizkid; Wizkid has been that artiste that when I look at him I see hope yeah because I remember playing his first album and I think it literarily changed my life. Burna Boy; I’m a huge fan of Buju Banton too, also a huge fan of Asa. I’m also a big fan of Adele. These are like the people when I listen to them I really reflect on some certain things in my life.

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