Otti: We’ll Reverse Policies Considered Anti-people

Emmanuel Ugwu-Nwogo in Umuahia

Abia State Governor, Alex Otti, has stated that he would promptly reverse any policy of his administration found to be against the interest of the people.

He gave the assurance weekend when he received the leadership of the Methodist Church led by the Prelate, Dr. Oliver Ali Abba, that paid him courtesy visit at his Nvosi country home.

The governor said he would always put the interest of the people first in every policy formulation and implementation hence any policy found not to be in the interest of the people would be jettisoned.

He said he was running a selfless administration and would continue to provide good governance for the benefit of Ndi Abia.

“This is a very selfless leadership in Abia State; leadership that is oriented towards the welfare of the people of Abia, and we have taken very bold initiatives in reversing anything that we find that will not be in the interest of Abia people,” Otti said.

The governor acknowledged that as humans, “we make mistakes but anytime we make mistakes and we find out, we go back and correct them.

“We are not perfect and we do not say that we do not make mistakes but deliberate efforts at doing things that would not be in the interest of the people would not happen here under my watch,” he asserted.

He told the team of Methodist clerics that he would not allow the opposition to distract him, adding that he would continue to ignore his detractors since “they are in the very tiny minority.”

According to him, “majority of the people want good governance and one thing you can go away with from here is that good governance, Abia people will get.”

Earlier, the Methodist Prelate explained that he was in Abia on a routine apostolic visit to the Umuahia Archdiocese and came to congratulate Otti on his victory in the 2023 poll.

He lauded the Abia governor for restoring the dignity of Abia people, enthroning good governance and qualitative political leadership in the state, adding that Otti’s performance has become a subject of discourse, both at home and abroad.

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